DB application off of a DVD

  • Hi,

    Alrighty a stupid question, we have an online database application that uses SQL server 2000 as backend. Lately we have been discussing on developing a portable (carry around) concise version of this application for demonstration purposes.

    So the idea came up, if we can somehow build a version, which can fit on a DVD. Is this possible?? Can we run a DB application off of a DVD??

    Any or all the help will be greatly appreciated.

    thank you all in advance,


  • You could, but the host server would still need sql installed and running. I suppose you could script a startup, but you'd still need the registry entries. SQL, however, can run a db off removable media.

    Steve Jones



    The Best of SQL Server Central.com 2002 - http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/bestof/


  • Thank you Steve. Sounds encouraging. Is there any documentation I can read about to get a head start. I tried search on Micro$oft website, but with no luck so far. If you happen to know of any, can you fwd. them to me please.

    thank you,


  • Just off the top of my head: what about using MSDE (Micro$oft Data Engine) and put that on the DVD, along with everything else?

  • Maybe this will help a bit: I have seen instructions on how to attach a read only database to SQL Server, but I don't remember the details.

    So you could have a normal SQL Server (or MSDE) installed on the machine and then your software could attach the database of DVD.

  • I would be concerned about the speed of the app. DVD drives read much slower than hard drives ... - so your app may seem slow. I have had to do the same portability of apps and found I just had to dedicate a couple of laptops with SQL, IIS and be ready to slap a database on them at any moment.

  • Thanks alot for all the input you guys have provided. This will certainly give me a direction.

    With respect to the speed of the application, I guess right now we are not too concerned about it. If we are able to make it portable we should be happy ;).

    thank you and please let me know if you come across something,


  • Spark up BOL and look for sp_create_removable in the index. This will present you with several topics on creating a db for usage on a cd-rom, dvd, etc...


  • Your best bet is the MSDE. You probably don't need to run Enterprise Manager, just the database engine.

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • I just to have my database tables, so that I can query them using my front end application (ASP). I dont need enterprise manager/query analyzer.

  • Did you think about using any kind of 'Virtual PC' software? This gives you the possibility to run a complete machine from a DVD (only need the virtual PC software installed). Once the image is set up, you don't need to worry about hardware conflicts, installed software, security issues, ...

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