DB Compare

  • Hey SQL Gurus, can any help in comparing the structure as well as schema of two db using T-SQL query. I have tried with a tool but i want to know how it could be done using query





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  • browse the forums on this site... there is a DBA writing exactly what you are looking for and a list of people getting in line to receive it   You might also want to browse the scripts elsewhere on this site as I believe I have seen this written before.


    david russell

  • I would say that you would need to query the contents of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views and compare the data in them.  You will need to use names, not internal IDs, and basically you want to do a compare of A-B, B-A and A<>B.

    Red-Gate's SQL Compare is a heck of a lot easier, and their SQL Data Compare is excellent for looking at the data comparison.

    I bought my own copies before I convinced the company to buy them.  I would have kept them even if the company didn't pay.



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