db is 80% full

  • Hi all,

    In one of my server I am getting

    WARNING - er4333  is 80% full. But if I check the space allocated for the database in properties window it show there is sufficient space. Also the drive has enough space. Where as the task pad shows : space available : 0.00 MB. the out put of sp_space used gives me this message.

    database_name   database_size      unallocated space

    er4333                  3134.75 MB        -288.42 MB


    reserved           data               index_size         unused            

    ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------

    3317680 KB         2569200 KB         150000 KB          598480 KB

    why are the values negative.

    Output of DBCC SQLPERf(logspace) is

    Database Name     Log Size (MB)            Log Space Used (%)       Status 


    er4333                  183.24219                 5.5840974                     0


    Any help is appriciated





    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • Where are you getting this error from?

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • Hi,

    This error is from our ticketing systm. A software will probe the database and generate these tickets. This could be from error log, Even logs, etc..

    Any help.

    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • You have a 3.3 GB db with 0.6 GB free, therefore >80% full.

    What's the question? You can increase the DB size, or set autogrowth depending on your specifics.

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