DBA's & Photography

  • I did photography a lot earlier in my life, mainly aviation photography and motorcycle road racing. Now motorcycle riding myself. I think in the IT department where I work now we have 7 or 8 people that ride, everything from sportsbikes to cruisers.

  • I was a professional photographer and now I'm a DBA. Went back to school in the 80's and changed professions.

    I, too, ride a bike, but mine is the kind you pedal. 🙂 I've been bike commuting to work, and it saves me a lot of money (18 miles RT).

  • so there a few of us then who certainly have photography as a hobby including some ex-professionals then

  • Yup, I am in to photography, as is my colleague - a developer 🙂

  • Another girl developer/DBA here who loves photography albeit still quite the newbie at it.

    I think photography appeals to me both for the technical expertise needed and artistic expression it allows. I had gone so far into the technical side that I lost sight of the artsy side of myself so photography helps bring that balance back.

  • Im having one of those days where Im not quite sure which Im worst at ..being a dba or being a photographer !!!

  • jazu4ea (6/26/2008)

    Another girl developer/DBA here who loves photography albeit still quite the newbie at it.


    btw do you have a photography website etc ?!

  • I'm predominantly a nature photographer, so I like it as it gives me a chance to be geeky in a non office / house environment haha!

  • Simon_L (6/26/2008)btw do you have a photography website etc ?!

    Not a formal one - I just have a photobucket account that I load my pics to as I'm still just learning. 🙂

  • I love photography and (according to the wife) spend far too much on it. Unfortunately I only get a real opportunity to indulge when we're on holiday.

    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • I love photography and taking pictures...its a great way to relax and have fun. I guess it is kinda of ironic that my former boss in IT actually got me into photography along with another co-worker.

    Feel free to check out some of my work...by no means is it professional (some of it is down right pitiful but no one is perfect 🙂 )


  • Mike Nowill (6/27/2008)

    Feel free to check out some of my work...by no means is it professional (some of it is down right pitiful but no one is perfect 🙂 )


    Not pitiful at all - most are quite wonderful. You must live around Boston - I lived outside of Worchester for several years when I was a kid and have gone back several times for visits. Some of your pictures remind me so much of that area - thanks for sharing.

  • Mike Nowill (6/27/2008)

    I love photography and taking pictures...its a great way to relax and have fun. I guess it is kinda of ironic that my former boss in IT actually got me into photography along with another co-worker.

    Feel free to check out some of my work...by no means is it professional (some of it is down right pitiful but no one is perfect 🙂 )


    some really cool images if I may say so .. love the guy with the end of the world is nigh type plaque

  • Thanks jazu4ea and Simon_L for the comments! 🙂

  • Verena_techie (5/13/2008)

    Some of us dba's are not 'boys' at all and we also like our toys! 😛 (This site doesn't even have any 'girl' icons!!!)

    I am involved in motorbiking on weekends, painting, drawing, stained glass and yes, photography!

    Isn't creating BI schemas and db's a very creative activity so it follows that dba's would have creative past times as well.

    Any other girls out there?

    Yes, Sure there are other girls out there. Although I still think there are too few.

    And yes, I'm into photography too.

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