DBCC CheckDB vs DBCC CheckTable

  • I have recently run a DBCC CHECKDB on a database that I have and the command completes with out errors.  On the same database I ran a DBCC CHECKTABLE and I receive the following error:

    Server: MSG 2501, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not find a table or object named 'TABLE'. Check sysobjects.

    When I look in sysobjects the table is there?

    Any help would be extremely appreciated.



  • hi,


    are u executing the dbcc checktable command on the right database.


    Pls check the database name .





  • Have you checked to put the name of the owner of the table if it is other than dbo?

  • You have to run as follow

    DBCC CheckTable('Tablename')

    Try & let me know.






  • Hi,


    Plz update Stats before execucting DBCC command.



    If the same exists plz register the db and check




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