dbcc traceon

  • After  dbcc traceon (3605, 1204, -1) has been executed, does stoppig and starting SQL Server set the trace off.


    W K

  • Hello,

    Trace flags, after they are enabled, remain enabled in the server until disabled by executing a DBCC TRACEOFF statement.

    To determine the status of trace flags, use DBCC TRACESTATUS. To disable trace flags, use DBCC TRACEOFF.

    Hope this helps.




  • Thanks for your comments.

    I did run dbcc tracestatus earlier and it shows that the trace is not on. But, I did run dbcctraceon and did not run dbcctraceoff. Only thing that happened was SQL Server service was stopped and started.

    -W R



  • I have an enterprise application that I battle a lot of deadlocking with.  I have always seen that when I enable the trace flags for deadlock info that they disable when the service restarts.  I believe you can set this to automatically start via the startup parameters when the service starts; however I have never been very comfortable with manipulating this.  I have my trace flags being enable at service start via a startup stored procedure, although some people are very uncomfotable with this apporach as well.  I have never experience and issue with it and I have been doing it for several years.  Hope this helps.


    Jason P. Burnett
    Senior DBA

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