DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled

  • Getting this error on client apps.

    Any Help is appreciated.

  • This is a pretty generic message and hard to troubleshoot without more information.  When I've seen it in our place it was with a Sybase app and it's always been client installation or configuration issues.  For whatever reason, the client can't talk to the DB which can mean anything from a missing dll to to the server or DB being off-line.

    Can you ping the server from the clients or set up an ODBC connection?  Are your event logs reporting an error when you attempt the connection?  If so, they might point you in the right direction. 

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Thanks for the feedback, I will check the ping next time when the error happens.

  • we are using PB with SQL on a WAN and get this whenever the connection is lost between the PC and the server. Our app was not designed to reconnect. it has been everything from a bad nic card, bad switch, bad cable, to a squirrel eating through the wiring.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

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