dbWarden - A Free SQL Server Monitoring Package

  • Hi Sailor,

    My IT dept keeps an eye on disk space through another alerting process so I hadn't given it much thought. It would certainly be easy to do though...

    btw - dbWarden 2.5.1 was just released. For those upgrading from previous versions, this release is highly recommended. It fixes a crucial bug where upgrading users were missing a couple records in the AlertSettings table which was preventing the Logfile and TempDB growth alerts to not work.

  • Are there any installation tips for those attempting to use dbwarden in a case sensitive environment?

  • Neil Cutt (7/23/2013)

    Are there any installation tips for those attempting to use dbwarden in a case sensitive environment?

    I've been making slow progress in getting everything case sensitive. It's something that has bothered me for a bit now and I like to try to make the script work for everyone.

  • Neil and everyone else who is interested in case sensitivity, I believe I have fixed the script to work on a case sensitive server. The change will be in the next release.

    If you are interested in helping me test, shoot me your email address and I'll email you a test script to try out.

  • Firstly let me say that this is a great tool!

    However I am getting the following error whenever the jobs try to send an email.

    Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. [SQLSTATE 01003] (Message 8153) No global profile is configured. Specify a profile name in the @profile_name parameter. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 14636). The step failed.

    It works if I add the @profile_name parameter with a value set to a Database Mail account name to the sections that send the emails.

    I'm wondering if I am missing something with the way Database Mail is set up on my server. Any ideas?

  • You can have a profile in DBMail set to be the "Default Profile" (You can find it under Profile Security) which would allow you to send mail without specifying a profile name.

  • Thanks for sharing this with the community. This looks to be very useful.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • On the email alert for blocking, the SQL may get truncated, so I cannot see the table. So, I go into activity monitor where I can see the object id and run:

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id), i.name, p.partition_id

    FROM sys.partitions AS p

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id

    order by p.partition_id

    --WHERE p.partition_id = 7205794049003520

    Also in activity monitor I can see the head of the chain, which the alert did not seem to show?

  • Sailor (7/31/2013)

    On the email alert for blocking, the SQL may get truncated, so I cannot see the table. So, I go into activity monitor where I can see the object id and run:

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id), i.name, p.partition_id

    FROM sys.partitions AS p

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id

    order by p.partition_id

    --WHERE p.partition_id = 7205794049003520

    Also in activity monitor I can see the head of the chain, which the alert did not seem to show?

    You can view the entire SQL_Text by querying the BlockingHistory table. Alternatively, you could also alter the trigger that sends the email to display more characters. Currently the SQL_Text is limited to 100 characters.

    Same goes for the QueryHistory table and the Long running queries procedure.

    Hope that helps.

  • Thanks, I'll do that next time.

  • Just wanted to let everyone know we've released dbWarden 2.5.2. For everyone that runs CaSe SenSiTive servers, this release is for you! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this superb monitoring tool.

    I assume that if I search and replace 'DBA' for 'dbWarden' in the latest uninstall script, I can remove the early version I installed (including DBA tables and SQL Agent jobs) and then proceed to install the latest version (creating dbWarden instead)?

    Thanks again!

  • Hi Daniel,

    Yes, in theory 🙂 it should work. I will admit that I haven't tested the script lately and I can't recall what changes made recently that might not be covered in the uninstall script.

    I will make a note to verify it's functionality soon. If you aren't concerned with historical data, then just dropping the database and letting the script recreate it, would work too.

  • Thanks, Michael. I will test the script as well and let you know how I fare. I'm not concerned with historical data, and so can also drop the database, but I'll test the script first.

    I appreciate the work you've put into this, and am grateful for your sharing it.

  • FYI: the uninstall script worked perfectly on the old version, simply by replacing dbWarden with DBA.

    Thanks again!

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