De-normalizing Data

  • I have a table with the following data:

    SeqNbr Value EffDate SubCategory Category

    1 0.00 2090101 A 100

    1 15.00 20100101 A 100

    1 15.00 20090101 B 100

    1 0.00 20100101 B 100

    1 0.00 20090101 C 100

    1 0.00 20100101 C 100

    And i need to transform this data into the following format:

    Category EffDate SubCatAValue SubCatBCalue SubCatCValue

    100 20090101 0.00 15.00 0.00

    100 20100101 15.00 0.00 0.00

    Any SQL which can perform this?

  • Look at using the PIVOT operator in SQL Server Books Online.

  • You can search for cross tab queries as well.

  • I do not need to aggregate any data, just display the data in historical order. This issue is that each subcategory may have more detail lines than the other, but I need to keep each line distinct by effective date, regardless of whether or not a particular subcategory has an effective date that matches

  • Nilssond (6/24/2010)

    I do not need to aggregate any data, just display the data in historical order. This issue is that each subcategory may have more detail lines than the other, but I need to keep each line distinct by effective date, regardless of whether or not a particular subcategory has an effective date that matches

    That's exactly what you'll get when using either PIVOT or CrossTab (see the rlated link in my signature for an example how to do it).

    If you need further assistance please provide table def and sample data in a ready to use format as described in the first link in my signature.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Are the SubCategorys the same for every EffDate? Are they consistent across the data?

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

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