Decreased Performance from a UDF

  • So I've got this batch of T-SQL that runs in Query Analyzer in about 3 seconds or so.  When i put this exact same code into a UDF the time shoots up to over a minute.  Has anyone ever heard of reduced performance when T-SQL is put into a UDF.  By the way  I also tried putting the code into a Stored Proc and having it insert into a temp table and I get the same reduction in performance.  If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it.

  • can you post the code you run from qa and the code form the udf please?

  • Here's the function it's a little convoluted.

    ALTER         FUNCTION DDOverrideComp

     (@From smalldatetime,

      @To smalldatetime, @Region varchar(5))

    RETURNS @table_var TABLE (tableid numeric(18,0) IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

     [Personalid] varchar(40),

     [Name] varchar(100),

     [mga] varchar(40),

     [Phone#] varchar(50),

     [BizCode] varchar(5),

     [policy] varchar(100),

     [Premium] numeric(19,2),

     [PBSOverride] numeric(19,2),

     [DDOverride] numeric(19,2),

     [AgentLevel] varchar(100),

     [MGALevel] varchar(100),

     [PolicyName] varchar(100),

     [CompanyName] varchar(100),

     [PolicyType] varchar(40))



      declare @StartDate as datetime

      select @startdate = datestart from employees where dd = @region and department = 403 and isdd = 1

      --Get c policy that the a statement date fall after the DD startdate

      Declare @policies table (policy varchar(50) primary key)

      insert @policies(policy) select distinct ppc.policy from (select * from paidproduction where life = 'c' and statementdate between @From and @To) ppc

                        inner join (SELECT * from paidproduction where life = 'a') ppa on ppc.policy = ppa.policy

                        group by ppc.policy,ppc.statementdate

                        having min(ppa.statementdate) >= @StartDate


      --- Get DD personalid

      --commented out by andye on 4/26/05


      declare @personalid  varchar(50)

      declare @emp varchar(50)

      select @emp = [id] from employees where dd = @Region and department = 403

      if @emp = '98139' begin

        set @personalid = 'W59105'


      if @emp = '98140' begin

        set @personalid = '303733'


      if @emp = '98141' begin

        set @personalid = 'D80103'


      if @emp = '98142' begin

        set @personalid = '464467'


      if @emp = '98159' begin

        set @personalid = 'k178'


      Declare @Org table (personalid varchar(50) primary key)

      insert @Org(Personalid) select o1.personalid

        from orglink o1

        join orglink o2 on o2.orgid = o1.orgid

        where o2.personalid = @personalid order by o1.display


    INSERT @table_var([Personalid],[Name],[mga], [Phone#],[BizCode],

                [policy], [Premium],[PBSOverride],[DDOverride],[AgentLevel],

                [MGALevel] ,[PolicyName],[CompanyName],[PolicyType])


      select w.personalid, w.[Name], w.mga,w.phone1 as 'Phone#', as 'BizCode',

             p.policy, p.[premium],p.[premium] * (p.[override] / 100) as 'PBSOverride', 

             case when isnull(c.[level],'') like '%+%' or isnull(c2.[level],'') like '%+%' then .3

                  else .4 end  * (p.[premium] * (p.[override] / 100)) as 'DDOverride',

             c.[level] as 'AgentLevel',c2.[level] as 'MGAlevel',

             pd.[planname] as 'PolicyName', n.[officialname] as 'CompanyName', pc.type as 'PolicyType'



      (select * from workimp where region = @Region)  w

      inner join (select * from paidproduction where  (life = 'a' or life = 'b' or policy in (select isnull(policy,'') from @policies)) and statementdate between @From and @To and renewal = 0) p on w.personalid = p.personalid 

      inner join product pd on pd.planname = p.[plan]

      inner join productCodes pc on pc.[id] = pd.

      inner join dbo.getnaictable() tpd on pd.naic = tpd.naic

      left join (Select personalid,t.naic2 as NAIC,status,max([level]) as [level]

        from contracts ce inner join dbo.getnaictable() t on ce.naic = t.naic group by personalid,t.naic2,status) c

      on w.personalid = c.personalid and tpd.naic2 = c.naic and c.status = 'Active'

      --table added by andye 2/21/05

      left join (Select personalid,t.naic2 as NAIC,status,max([level]) as [level]

        from contracts ce inner join dbo.getnaictable() t on ce.naic = t.naic group by personalid,t.naic2,status) c2

      on isnull(w.mga,'') = c2.personalid and  tpd.naic2 = c2.naic and c2.status = 'Active'

      inner join company n on n.naic = pd.naic

      where (isnull(c.[level],'')  not like '%+ 2%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 4%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 3%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 5%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 6%')

      and (isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 2%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 4%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 3%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 5%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 6%')

      --Commented out by andye on 4/26/05

      --and w.personalid not in (select personalid from @Org) 



    And here's the batch

    declare @From smalldatetime

    declare @To smalldatetime

    declare @Region varchar(5)

    set @from = '4/1/05'

    set @to = '4/30/05'

    set @region = '11'

    declare @table_var TABLE (tableid numeric(18,0) IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

     [Personalid] varchar(40),

     [Name] varchar(100),

     [mga] varchar(40),

     [Phone#] varchar(50),

     [BizCode] varchar(5),

     [policy] varchar(100),

     [Premium] numeric(19,2),

     [PBSOverride] numeric(19,2),

     [DDOverride] numeric(19,2),

     [AgentLevel] varchar(100),

     [MGALevel] varchar(100),

     [PolicyName] varchar(100),

     [CompanyName] varchar(100),

     [PolicyType] varchar(40))

     declare @StartDate as datetime

     select @startdate = datestart from ordnew.dbo.employees where dd = @region and department = 403 and isdd = 1

     Declare @policies table (policy varchar(50) primary key)

     insert @policies(policy) select distinct ppc.policy from (select * from ordnew.dbo.paidproduction where life = 'c' and statementdate between @From and @To) ppc

                       inner join (SELECT * from paidproduction where life = 'a') ppa on ppc.policy = ppa.policy

                       group by ppc.policy,ppc.statementdate

                       having min(ppa.statementdate) >= @StartDate


    INSERT @table_var ([Personalid],[Name],[mga], [Phone#],[BizCode],

                [policy], [Premium],[PBSOverride],[DDOverride],[AgentLevel],

                [MGALevel] ,[PolicyName],[CompanyName],[PolicyType])


      select w.personalid, w.[Name], w.mga,w.phone1 as 'Phone#', as 'BizCode',

             p.policy, p.[premium],p.[premium] * (p.[override] / 100) as 'PBSOverride', 

             case when isnull(c.[level],'') like '%+%' or isnull(c2.[level],'') like '%+%' then .3

                  else .4 end  * (p.[premium] * (p.[override] / 100)) as 'DDOverride',

             c.[level] as 'AgentLevel',c2.[level] as 'MGAlevel',

             pd.[planname] as 'PolicyName', n.[officialname] as 'CompanyName', pc.type as 'PolicyType'



      (select * from workimp where region = @Region)  w

      inner join (select * from paidproduction where  (life = 'a' or life = 'b' or policy in (select isnull(policy,'') from @policies)) and statementdate between @From and @To and renewal = 0) p on w.personalid = p.personalid 

      inner join product pd on pd.planname = p.[plan]

      inner join productCodes pc on pc.[id] = pd.

      inner join dbo.getnaictable() tpd on pd.naic = tpd.naic

      left join (Select personalid,t.naic2 as NAIC,status,max([level]) as [level]

        from contracts ce inner join dbo.getnaictable() t on ce.naic = t.naic group by personalid,t.naic2,status) c

      on w.personalid = c.personalid and tpd.naic2 = c.naic and c.status = 'Active'

      left join (Select personalid,t.naic2 as NAIC,status,max([level]) as [level]

        from contracts ce inner join dbo.getnaictable() t on ce.naic = t.naic group by personalid,t.naic2,status) c2

      on isnull(w.mga,'') = c2.personalid and  tpd.naic2 = c2.naic and c2.status = 'Active'

      inner join company n on n.naic = pd.naic

      where (isnull(c.[level],'')  not like '%+ 2%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 4%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 3%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 5%' and isnull(c.[level],'') not like '%+ 6%')

      and (isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 2%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 4%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 3%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 5%' and isnull(c2.[level],'')  not like '%+ 6%')

    select * from @table_var


    It's pretty scary but I don't see anything that would result in the behavior I described.  In fact I know of nothing that could result in the behavior I described.


  • Have you tried recompiling the udf b4 rerunning the code??

    Might be a case of parameter sniffing...

  • How do you recompile a function?

    I've tried dropping and recreating it but still no change.

    Also I've tried DBCC Freeproccache to remove the plan out of memory but still no improvement.

  • can you compare both execution plan to find where it is different?

  • I looked at that.  The problem is when you look at the execution plan for a function it doesn't go into the internal details of the funtion.  There are 2 steps.  A clustered index scan and a select.  When I look at the execution plan of the batch I see all the steps.  I can't compare them.

  • Can you convert the function to a stored proc while you debug this?

  • Okay.  I've got the execution plans and I'm going to go through them in detail.  Something I'm noticing off the bat is that the batch uses Hash Joins where as the proc uses nested loops.  The plans are very different.  I'll start putting some hints in the proc to see if that gets me closer to the batch's plan.

  • that's one way to go...

    Try searching these forums for parameter sniffing... this might also be what's causing the headache here.

  • Awesome.  I created local variables to hold the values passed to the parameters.  Then used the local variables inside the function rather the parameters.  Now it runs just as fast as the batch.

    ALTER          FUNCTION DDOverrideComp

     (@Froma smalldatetime,

      @Toa smalldatetime, @Regiona varchar(5))

    RETURNS @table_var ...



    declare @from smalldatetime

    declare @to smalldatetime

    declare @region varchar(5)

    set @from = @froma

    set @to = @toa

    set @region = @regiona

    Thanks for your help

  • HTH

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