Default Parameters not Displaying

  • Using SSRS 2008

    Has anyone else seen this problem?

    I have created a parameter @pOrg (Organization) and populated the Values with:

    Label: Value:

    ABC 1

    DEF 2

    GHI 3

    MNO 5

    and set the Default Values to:





    In other words All Selected at startup.

    This worked fine.

    I later came back and added:

    Label: Value:

    JKL 4

    and added 4 to the Default Values

    Here's what happens. In the Preview Mode, all is fine. All Labels are selected by default. However, when Deployed out to the server, all options are available, but JKL remains unchecked as a default.

    I have checked the underlying code and all looks good. Has anyone else seen this problem?

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