DEFRAG effect on Database Mirrroring

  • We have primary database mirrored to DR site. Will running Index defrag on primary database affect mirroring setup? I understand log file size grow when we run defrag. Wondering would that be of any problem for mirroring shipping log files. We have synchronus mirroring configured to secondary database on DR site.

  • This should not be a problem.

    Howeer, you need to very closely monitor your log file growth depending upon the size of the indexes that you are going to defrag. Estimation should be done prior to starting the operation.

    You can also consider breaking mirroring if the size of the database is very big. Of course, this would mean that you would need to copy over your primary db again to DR site and setup the mirro again, but it should be done only if really required.



  • Run the "Alter Index" command "with SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON"


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