Defragmentation of Indexes on SQL 2005 Sharepoint Database

  • Server: MS 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2, OS MS 2003 Server Standard SP2

    Ran script to rebuild indexes of a sharepoint database. Results shown on panel were:

    Executed ALTER INDEX IX_MSSCrawledProperties_CID ON dbo.MSSCrawledProperties REBUILD

    Executed ALTER INDEX IX_MSSCrawledProperties_PropName ON dbo.MSSCrawledProperties REBUILD

    Executed ALTER INDEX IX_UserSites ON dbo.UserSites REBUILD

    Executed ALTER INDEX IX_UserSites_SiteID_WssId ON dbo.UserSites REBUILD

    Executed ALTER INDEX PK_MemberGroup_Id ON dbo.MemberGroup REBUILD

    However when selecting record from the sys.dm_index_physical_stats I got the following results for the following fields:

    TableName TableIndexName AVGFragPercent avg_page_space_used_in_percent

    UserSites IX_UserSites 80 85.9550284161107

    UserSites IX_UserSites_SiteID_WssId 80 80.4002965159377

    MSSCrawledProperties IX_MSSCrawledProperties_CID 66.6666666666667 73.3135656041512

    MSSCrawledProperties IX_MSSCrawledProperties_PropName 66.6666666666667 69.0305658512478

    MemberGroup PK_MemberGroup_Id 50 59.5997034840623

    PropertyList NULL 50 63.2196688905362

    Seems that the rebuild of the indexes can't lower the AVGFragPercent less than 80% for some of the indexes and 50% for others? Nor can it lower the avg_page_space_used_in_percent which we should be aiming to 15%? Any advise :hehe::hehe:!!!!

  • You might have some type of scheduled job running at the same time. Backup? Table Inserts? Maintenance of tables? SSIS package updating records? MAke sure all jobs that access the DB are not running. If that doesn't work try the below SQL script...

    DECLARE @TableNameToReIndex VarChar(200)


    SELECT table_name

    FROM information_schema.tables

    WHERE table_type = 'base table'

    Order By table_name ASC

    OPEN ListOfTables

    FETCH NEXT FROM ListOfTables INTO @TableNameToReIndex



    PRINT 'Reindexing ' + @TableNameToReIndex + ' table' + ' ' + 'DBCC DBREINDEX (' + @TableNameToReIndex + ', ' + Char(39) + ' ' + Char(39) + ', 80)'

    DBCC DBREINDEX (@TableNameToReIndex, ' ', 80)

    FETCH NEXT FROM ListOfTables INTO @TableNameToReIndex


    CLOSE ListOfTables

    DEALLOCATE ListOfTables

  • j mangual (9/3/2008)

    Seems that the rebuild of the indexes can't lower the AVGFragPercent less than 80% for some of the indexes and 50% for others? Nor can it lower the avg_page_space_used_in_percent which we should be aiming to 15%? Any advise :hehe::hehe:!!!!

    Yep... find out what the FILL FACTOR is for each of those indexes...

    --Jeff Moden

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  • In the script above, change the fill factor of 80 to whatever you desire...

    DBCC DBREINDEX (@TableNameToReIndex, ' ', 80)

  • Increasing FILLFACTOR may degrade performance of Inserts/Updates on these tables. It's better to test it before it will go to PROD enviroment.

    In official white paper from Microsoft commited by Bill Baer’s , Database Maintenance for SharePoint ( it's stated that:

    For many situations the default server-wide fill factor level of 0 is optimal; however, for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, a server-wide setting of 70 is optimal to support growth and minimize fragmentation.

    Although it is possible, we do not recommend that you set the fill factor for individual tables or indexes.

    Cheers, Max

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  • Did you find any solution for this rebuilding indexes?

    did you change the fill factor?

    can we do rebuid index task for sharepoint databases in sql server this link says we can not use rebuild index task?

    So how you are defragmenting the indexes of sharepoint databases?

    and where to check the fill factor of an index?

  • Please include the number of pages for each index\table. If these are small tables they will never be defragmented fully.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Make sure there's no shrink operation running, autoshrink or a scheduled shrink.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • hi,

    In official white paper from Microsoft commited by Bill Baer’s , Database Maintenance for SharePoint ( it's stated that:

    For many situations the default server-wide fill factor level of 0 is optimal; however, for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, a server-wide setting of 70 is optimal to support growth and minimize fragmentation.

    Although it is possible, we do not recommend that you set the fill factor for individual tables or indexes.

    We are maintaing sharepoint databases and from above statement, Iam confused that whether can we change the fillfactor to 70 or not? Because sharepoint databases are getting fragemented rapidly.

    plz advice me on this

  • (My first post!)

    I just wanted to reiterate how much getting a response on this means to me. Microsoft says to set sharepoint databases to fill factor 70, so should we or not? At my (small) company we don't have a development SQL server or devel sharepoint server, so we tend to just follow Microsoft's guidelines for everything. I was going to adjust our fillfactor to 70 based on "For many situations the default server-wide fill factor level of 0 is optimal; however, for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, a server-wide setting of 70 is optimal to support growth and minimize fragmentation." from



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