Degraded Replication Performance

  • Hi,

    I'm running a SQL 2005 publication that is partitioned and merge replicated to 354 separate subscribers. Each partition is a unique subset of the master data.

    Recently I have started having very slow replication performance. I am seeing a lot of failures, with errors such as:

    "The merge process was unable to create a new generation at the 'Publisher'. "

    "The merge process was unable to change generation history at the 'Publisher'."

    "The merge process was unable to access row metadata at the 'Subscriber'.

    When I look at the longest running transactions on the server, I'm seing huge lock numbers for some transactions. At the minute I have a single subscriber holding 1.3m locks across a range of tables (OBJECT/PAGE with Intent Exclusive, KEY with Exclusive). It is holding an open transaction that has been running for 6 hours. Usual replication times are from 10 minutes to 2 hours. A profiler trace on the deadlock graph and lock acquired/cancel/released/deadlock/deadlock chain events shows nothing untoward, just the usual chatter of acquired/released.

    Checking the subscriber via Replication Monitor shows that it is hanging on "Upload 99% complete". This is a common feature for the long running replications. They seem to get almost there, then hang for ages, then error with one of the messages above.

    From what I've read around the web, I'm thinking this might be a blocking issue? Specifically contention on the replication system tables. Perhaps related to a mismatch between msmerge_genhistory and msmerge_contents? See threads below as examples:

    All merge agents are on a slow link profile

    Agent query timeout is at 65534

    generation_levelling_threshold is set to 0 at both subscribers and publisher

    Publisher config from sysmergepublications:

    publisher XXX

    publisher_db XXX

    name XXX

    description XXX

    retention 18

    publication_type 1

    pubid 8E72F963-2C85-4005-BC5F-8494A1BE23BE

    designmasterid 8E72F963-2C85-4005-BC5F-8494A1BE23BE

    parentid 8E72F963-2C85-4005-BC5F-8494A1BE23BE

    sync_mode 0

    allow_push 1

    allow_pull 1

    allow_anonymous 0

    centralized_conflicts 1

    status 1

    snapshot_ready 1

    enabled_for_internet 0

    dynamic_filters 1

    snapshot_in_defaultfolder 0

    alt_snapshot_folder XXX

    pre_snapshot_script XXX

    post_snapshot_script XXX

    compress_snapshot 0

    ftp_address NULL

    ftp_port XXX

    ftp_subdirectory NULL

    ftp_login ANONYMOUS

    ftp_password NULL

    conflict_retention 18

    keep_before_values 0

    allow_subscription_copy 0

    allow_synctoalternate 0

    validate_subscriber_info HOST_NAME()

    ad_guidname NULL

    backward_comp_level 90

    max_concurrent_merge 0

    max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots 0

    use_partition_groups 1

    dynamic_filters_function_list HOST_NAME()

    partition_id_eval_proc MSmerge_evalpartid_sp_8E72F9632C854005

    publication_number 1

    replicate_ddl 1

    allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot 1

    distributor XXX

    snapshot_jobid 0x31B5B507C7084542BC1BF618D874FDAF

    allow_web_synchronization 0

    web_synchronization_url NULL

    allow_partition_realignment 1

    retention_period_unit 0

    decentralized_conflicts 1

    generation_leveling_threshold 0

    automatic_reinitialization_policy 0

    Subscriber @@version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4053.00 (Intel X86) May 26 2009 14:24:20 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

    Publisher @@version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4262.00 (X64) Aug 13 2009 17:06:39 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

    I'm really stuck here, any advice on a strategy for investigating these problems would be hugely appreciated. You may guess that I'm not (usually) a DBA.

    Thanks, Iain

  • Not sure if this will help but found these on SP3 fixes today - not sure on versions of your subscriber.

    959023 ( ) FIX: A blocking issue occurs when you run the Merge Agent in SQL Server 2005

    959024 ( ) FIX: When the Merge Agent synchronizes multiple batches of changes, the synchronization may take a long time to finish or the synchronization may expire unexpectedly in SQL Server 2005

    Version info:

    SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 9.00.5000.00

    SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 9.00.4035

    SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 9.00.3042

    SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 9.00.2047

    SQL Server 2005 RTM 9.00.1399

  • That looks very interesting Jamie, thanks.

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