Deleted and Inserted On A Trigger

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (11/8/2011)

    Thanks Gail but the part that I didn't find was parser.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking here, but this is from

    Processing a SELECT Statement

    The basic steps that SQL Server uses to process a single SELECT statement include the following:

    1. The parser scans the SELECT statement and breaks it into logical units such as keywords, expressions, operators, and identifiers.

    2. A query tree, sometimes referred to as a sequence tree, is built describing the logical steps needed to transform the source data into the format required by the result set.

    3. The query optimizer analyzes different ways the source tables can be accessed. It then selects the series of steps that returns the results fastest while using fewer resources. The query tree is updated to record this exact series of steps. The final, optimized version of the query tree is called the execution plan.

    4. The relational engine starts executing the execution plan. As the steps that require data from the base tables are processed, the relational engine requests that the storage engine pass up data from the rowsets requested from the relational engine.

    5. The relational engine processes the data returned from the storage engine into the format defined for the result set and returns the result set to the client.

  • Processing a SELECT Statement

    The basic steps that SQL Server uses to process a single SELECT statement include the following:

    1. The parser scans the SELECT statement and breaks it into logical units such as keywords, expressions, operators, and identifiers.

    2. A query tree, sometimes referred to as a sequence tree, is built describing the logical steps needed to transform the source data into the format required by the result set.

    3. The query optimizer analyzes different ways the source tables can be accessed. It then selects the series of steps that returns the results fastest while using fewer resources. The query tree is updated to record this exact series of steps. The final, optimized version of the query tree is called the execution plan.

    4. The relational engine starts executing the execution plan. As the steps that require data from the base tables are processed, the relational engine requests that the storage engine pass up data from the rowsets requested from the relational engine.

    5. The relational engine processes the data returned from the storage engine into the format defined for the result set and returns the result set to the client.

    This is exactly what I was looking for.

    1. Parsing

    2. Compilation

    3. Selection of Execution Plans

    4. Execution / Fetch

    5. Format & Display

    But based on Gail’s comment it looks like Step 2 & 3 together are compilation. And this is the point-of-difference in opinion.

    Would anybody here like to rename these steps?

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (11/8/2011)

    This is exactly what I was looking for.

    1. Parsing

    2. Compilation

    3. Selection of Execution Plans

    4. Execution / Fetch

    5. Format & Display

    But based on Gail’s comment it looks like Step 2 & 3 together are compilation. And this is the point-of-difference in opinion.

    No. Step 3 (generation of an execution plan) is compilation. Step 2 is algebrisation, done by the algebriser before the optimiser gets invoked. (and no, I can't spell that correctly without looking it up)

    Some docs use the term 'compilation' to describe 1, 2 and 3 together.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Waste hurts because that's what you're doing and against what you want.

    I don't waste time not working because in a single click I can contact EVERY recruiter / job HR I ever spoke to.

    Same goes with Dice or other big hiring sites. 1 on 1 is a waste of time. Put yourself in front of people who need you want you'll have to turn offers down instead of hoping for one.

    Be old fashioned all you want. I still preffer my way.

    I will not criticize you because you don't know what I want actually and what my position now is. I didn’t describe it & I won’t (no offence please). BUT one thing for sure MY position is NOT same as YOU.

    Ninja, I appreciate all your friendly suggestions.

    I just want to know, if I am doing something against SSC. If yes, I will find some other way to achieve what I want.

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (11/8/2011)

    Waste hurts because that's what you're doing and against what you want.

    I don't waste time not working because in a single click I can contact EVERY recruiter / job HR I ever spoke to.

    Same goes with Dice or other big hiring sites. 1 on 1 is a waste of time. Put yourself in front of people who need you want you'll have to turn offers down instead of hoping for one.

    Be old fashioned all you want. I still preffer my way.

    I will not criticize you because you don't know what I want actually and what my position now is. I didn’t describe it & I won’t (no offence please). BUT one thing for sure MY position is NOT same as YOU.

    Ninja, I appreciate all your friendly suggestions.

    I just want to know, if I am doing something against SSC. If yes, I will find some other way to achieve what I want.

    No offence taken, meant. Just trying to get you what you need.

    You're not breaking any rules as far as I know.

  • Thank You 🙂

  • Just a ps, you're signature seems a little needy (like an sos).

    That would turn me off as an employer.

  • Just a ps, you're signature seems a little needy (like an sos).

    I didn't get it (SOS).

    That would turn me off as an employer.

    I will say "It would be my pleasure to work with you because you are a good critic. I always welcome positive / constructive criticism and it helps me in getting better."


  • ha ha 😀 You are right. 😉

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (11/8/2011)

    That would turn me off as an employer.

    I will say "It would be my pleasure to work with you because you are a good critic. I always welcome positive / constructive criticism and it helps me in getting better."

    With me, you wouldn't get to face to face, nor phone screening, nor even an e-mail.

    Only 1 chance for the first impression!

  • With me, you wouldn't get to face to face, nor phone screening, nor even an e-mail.

    Only 1 chance for the first impression!

    I am sorry, I disappointed you. :unsure:

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (11/8/2011)

    With me, you wouldn't get to face to face, nor phone screening, nor even an e-mail.

    Only 1 chance for the first impression!

    I am sorry, I disappointed you. :unsure:

    I'm just giving a neutral and mroe importantly external point of view.

    You didn't offend me nor disappoint me. I'm still just trying to help you out so you get what you want / need.

Viewing 13 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)

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