Deleted files not freeing up space

  • We are using ARCGIS. It has an SDE interface between SQL and GIS. Our GIS Analyst deleted 80+G through SDE but it didn't free up the space on the drive. Any ideas?


  • I'm not familiar with your application, but here's a best guess: if the "files" deleted are really tables in SQL, the space isn't released unless you shrink the database.

    can you go to the database in sQL server management studio...right click for properties, and look at Size and Space might have 80Gig available, so you could shrink the db if you wanted.


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  • A shrink was done on the 14th successfully but it didn't free up space. They were files in the ‘imagery’ database, not a database. They were in a special kind of container called a raster catalog, but they were not a separate SQL database, they were within the existing ‘imagery’ db. Our GIS Analyst is going to a GIS meeting this afternoon where he hopes someone there will be able to help, also.

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