deleted logins still in system tables


    Because of SOX (Sarbanes Oxley Act), I created some queries to look at system tables to pull security information.  To my suprise, there are logins in the system tables that have been deleted for more that a year.  I import this information into xls files so they can be retained.  My problem occurs when we are audited by external auditors.  The sit at my desk while I run the queries.  Currently I am keeping with the 30+ screen shots because of it.

    How do I get rid of those in the system table?  Is there a "refresh" or "sync" procedure that needs to be ran after a "click * delete" of a user and login?

    I have more than a dozen queries ready to pull the information needed.  It will reduce my time spent doing quarterly SOX and the annual review by 60%-80%.



  • A database user cannot be deleted if it owns objects in the database. Take one user and execute:


    exec sp_dropuser 'username'


    exec database_name..sp_dropuser 'username'


    The error message from this should confirm this. If the user owns 'objects' then you have a bit of a mess to cleanup. If the user does not, it will be dropped from the current database

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks for the info.  I have it cleaned up now.  I put together a script to take care of those issues when we do refreshes.



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