delimiter help

  • could someone help me to determine how to write the delimiter; some records(rows) have double quotes and some do not.

    "010002415002" "01664160" "I" 1,516.03 1/2/2007 1/2/2007 "PXXXSS6" 1.00 "PV" "1" "0352" "6166" ""

    "005583257002" "01665410" "I" 1,097.32 1/2/2007 1/2/2007 "PXXXSS1" 1.00 "PH" "1" "0351" "6166" ""

    I've been trying this:














  • Best solution, if file generated from an external source as a client ask for a new export of the file with more decent format: every column has " " text qualifiers and delimited by vertical bar '|'. Otherwise manage your export query according to preference.

  • Grasshopper is right, when talking about importing data from long ASCII files main request is disambiguation. So you must make sure that caracter that is used as delimeter is not having a dual role. For example, in your example a white space " " will make a bad delimeter. As Grasshopper

    suggested "|" is very good one, because it almost never appers in your orginal data.

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