Design the datamodel

  • Hi friends,

    I'm pretty much confused about one task.. that is

    design datamodel for a partisular database..

    what does that exactly mean?..and what i'm i supposed to do over there?...

    Could any one of you please help me out with this...

    Thank You soo much..

  • tripri (7/22/2010)

    I'm pretty much confused about one task.. that is

    design datamodel for a partisular database..

    what does that exactly mean?..and what i'm i supposed to do over there?...

    Does either "data modeling", "entity-relationship" or "normalization/de-normalization" rings a bell?

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • if you don't know, you're not the right person for the job. I'd advise seeking help from a professional, or explain to your boss that you they need to find someone more qualified to perform this function.

    Failing that, read through BOL and perhaps google the terms already provided - bear in mind however that if you're doing this for a client, they probably won't be happy with less than a professional job.


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • @ torpkev

    hey i'm here to learn something,not to hear some bludy advices from u..

    dont forget one thing no one is perfect..and every one starts their career from zero only..

    if you really want to help me then do it but dont discourage any one by your advices..

    Any how no thanks for you suggestion...

  • Actually.. you are here for some'bludy' advise from me, and anyone else who replies.. thats how you learn. starting your knowledge is one thing.. as you say, we all start knowing nothing. HOWEVER, not knowing a basic term and looking to learn is one thing. having to perform a complicated task without even knowing what it is, is another thing all together, as chances are, you will fail at it. i was trying to give you some advise so you wouldnt fail. i stand by my original point. if you dont now what it is or how to do it, you arent the right person for the job.

    let me give you an example. if the transmission in my car broke and i NEEDED the car to work.. i wouldnt try and learn how to fix it, id take it to someone who knows how if i was interested in how its done, then id find out how and practice.. but not at the same time.

    take it as you will.. you also wont get far going off half cocked when someone replies to a post asking for help.


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • Hi tripri,

    The DB Design is a not a simple task.IF u design a Normalized Db for OLTP then you will get better performance while the DB is in Production.You can go through Normalization.You can apply three levels of Normalization for your project.If you want to any help just mail to me at

    you can visit


  • @varunfilim: thanq yarr...

    its not for an oltp...

    its just for olap...

    any how that link was very useful for brushing up my knowledge..thanx yarr

  • tripri (7/25/2010)

    @varunfilim: thanq yarr...

    its not for an oltp...

    its just for olap...

    any how that link was very useful for brushing up my knowledge..thanx yarr

    OLAP? - Even better! :w00t:

    You can start learning by reading some theory, but it takes a lot of knowledge and experience to design good DB for OLAP.

    There are two main paradigm in desinging datawarehouse databases for OLAP. Google for Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmon. It may be that right solution will be mix of both methologies...

    Sorry mate, torpkev might sounded a bit rude, but he was absolutely right - you need a hand-on help from proffesional or your client (and therefore boss) will be dissapointed...

    Your boss should send you to a training course at least. 😉

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • My intention wasnt to sound rude. i was just being sensible. i already posted my reasoning in the previous post.

    op is clearly over his/her head, so they shouldnt continue without much practice.. this isnt a reflection on op, they could be very clever and have experience in other things, but one important skill to learn, is to know when to pass the torch. learning is one thing like i say, doing it without a clue is another, and could ultimately cost them their job


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

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