Determining an Identity column

  • Can anyone tell me how to determine whether a column is an identity column when querying the system tables.  I know how to list the columns in the tables and get the column type, length, precision, etc.  I cannot figure out how to tell if a column is an identity column.

    TIA for any help

  • I believe the autoval column in syscolumns has a value for identity coluymns.

  • Extract from BOL


    status tinyint Bitmap used to describe a property of the column or the parameter:

    0x08 = Column allows null values.

    0x10 = ANSI padding was in effect when varchar or varbinary columns were added. Trailing blanks are preserved for varchar and trailing zeros are preserved for varbinary columns.

    0x40 = Parameter is an OUTPUT parameter.

    0x80 = Column is an identity column.


  • THank you - I sure missed that.

  • There is an easier way.  Try looking at the ObjectProperties and ColumnProperties functions:


    Simple example from BOL:

    SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID('authors'),'au_lname','IsIdentity')


    A query on the Information Schema Views for all identity columns:



         OBJECT_ID(col.Table_Name)  AS [Object_ID]



              , col.Column_Name,'IsIdentity'

              ) AS [IsIdentity]

       , *


         Information_Schema.Columns col




            , col.Column_Name,'IsIdentity') = 1


    Good luck,


  • The proc below lists all tables in a database that contain identity columns (auto-incremet values). It skips System tables but you can change that setting. Modify the database setting, etc. for your site

    Use ve_common    -- Database to use


       List Tables with identity columns (auto-increment)


    Select o.Name [Table],  c.Name [Column], c.xtype, c.number, c.type, c.autoval


    from sysobjects o, syscolumns c

    Where =

      and o.xtype <> 'S'                  -- Skip system tables

    --  and = 'EMSCase'     -- Check one table only

      and  c.autoval Is not NULL

    Order by 1


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