Determining the initial size of TempDB?

  • Short of restarting SQL Server how do I find the initial size of TEMPDB

  • I know it's early but (my upfront way of saying this may be crazy) but...

    1.  I know that tempdb is re-created everytime that SQL is restarted. 

    2.  Doesn't it use model as a reference so it would be the same size?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Nope, it doesn't inherit its size from MODEL.

    Its default initial size is 8MB where as MODEL is 2MB.

    If I do the following

    1. Restart SQL Server


    3. Perform some action that causes TempDB to grow beyond 16Mb (a large sort will do it)

    4. Restart the MSSQLSERVER service

    TempDB resizes to 16Mb. Clearly it is getting that setting from somewhere but I don't know where!

  • The initial specifications for tempdb data and log are retained in table master.dbo.sysaltfiles.

    select dbid, name, size as SizePages

    , Size * 8 / 1024 as SizeMb

    from sysaltfiles where dbid = 2


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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