Differences b/w 7 and 2000

  • Hello All - no doubt this was discussed long ago, but I can't seem to find it on the fourm. I'm looking for functions/features/procedures/syntax, etc. that used to exist in SQL 7 but no longer are supported in SQL 2000. Has anyone seen something like this published or came up with their own list? I'm not interested in new features of SQL 2000, just ones that have been dropped.

    We are looking at migrating applications, finally, from 7 to 2000. I've been involved in a bunch of migrations and they have all been non-issues. Simply backup, restore, and run the proc to do the update (can't think of the name right now).

    The only differences that I can find are server configurations that no longer exist in 2000, some xp_trace functions that were replaced and the Service Control Manager API that was removed. BOL doesn't seem to be much help, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot.

    Like I said, the migration seems like a big non-issue to me, but the project manager wants reassurance to give to the application support folks. The apps need to be tested and anything that was no longer supported would be found then, but we want to give them a heads up what to look for before testing. Thanks!

  • I found an article in BOL called "SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server version 7.0"

    but also take a look at the things that were 6.5 features that are no longer supported in 2000.  It could be that your 7 database was using some 6.5 features. Look for the article called "SQL Server Backward Compatibility Details"  in BOL.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Hi Kathi - this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks! Not sure how I missed it in BOL

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