Differing Performance Between Machines

  • Hi,

    We have a confusing issue with reading data from a Siebel Database residing on SQL Server 7.0.  We have built two applications in VB (one using Siebel Data Server objects to pull the data and one using ADO to connect directly to the table).

    When we execute the application from the Siebel Application server we get a perfomance of 1000 rows read in about 1 minute 30 seconds.  From any other machine that I have tested, we read in the full 18,000 rows in approximately 1 minute.  Also, I pointed the datasource to the test server and ran it again from the same machines and I get the same response.  Fast on all machines except the Apps server.  Unfortunately, this is where the batch job will need to run.

    The odd thing is that I have perfomed a SQL trace when executed from the Apps server and also from other machines.  The reads & duration counters are nest to nothing in both cases.  Thats what I'd expect.  However, when I review the trace from the Apps server, there is a delay between Select statements.  This can be anything upto 1.5 seconds between each read.  The trace for all other machines has no such delay and continually Selects data until the recordset is at the end!

    We have shut down services, uninstalled any applications that could possibly interfere and as yet, we have come up fruitless.  Siebel Tech Supp is also pretty stumped on this one.

    Just wondering if any of you had seen similar issues...Siebel or not?



  • Not seen things like this specficially, but the Siebel app we used to run on v7 had performance issues. Strange things between the app and db servers, never really tied it down to anything specific.

  • Resolved it.

    Not sure who, but someone turned on the ODBC trace on our application server.  Turn it off and the jobs run without any problems.


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