Disable or rebuild all nonclustered indexes on a table

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Disable or rebuild all nonclustered indexes on a table

  • Just a word of caution here... the script is fine and the reason for disabling indexes prior to rebuilds or imports is great but be very aware that if you disable an index that an FK is pointing to, it will disable that FK and you'll need to rebuild the FK.  Here's the skinny from BOL on the subject...

    When disabling a unique index, the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint and all FOREIGN KEY constraints that reference the indexed columns from other tables are also disabled. When disabling a clustered index, all incoming and outgoing FOREIGN KEY constraints on the underlying table are also disabled. The constraint names are listed in a warning message when the index is disabled. After rebuilding the index, all constraints must be manually enabled by using the ALTER TABLE CHECK CONSTRAINT statement.

    To be sure Jonathon mentioned that this would be used "when inserting data into a staging table on  a data warehouse", which also means that there are probably no Foreign Keys pointing at the table in question.  I just want to make sure that people don't do such a thing to real tables during inserts or index maintenance without knowing that there are other serious ramifications to be had.

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