Disabled jobs and jobs with no schedule.

  • Hi All,

    What is the difference between, SQL Agent jobs which are disabled and the jobs with no schedules.

    We can execute both of them manually.

    Is there any functionality difference.

    Thank You.


    Raghavender Chavva

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • In my experience I've seen many create one schedule for each job. However, 1 schedule can have many jobs associated with it. As you observed nothing stops you from running a disabled job yourself. However, imagine if you have many jobs associated with 1 schedule but you need to fix/change a job without interfering with the other jobs under a schedule. Disabling that job will prevent the schedule from running it. Try it for yourself! 😉


    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Disabling a job will stop it from running even if a schedule has been setup.

    - Job is scheduled to run at 8am Daily

    - Disabled the job

    - Job will not run even though it is scheduled.

    Job with no schedule is still active in the system - however with no schedule it will not automatically run.

    - Job has no schedule

    - Job is enabled

    - Job will never run automatically.

    Real life business scenario:

    The reason why you would disable a job could be many things but as mentioned, you might have it running every 10 seconds polling a shared folder and its throwing an error... You are getting an alert sent to everyone's mailbox every 10 seconds... instead of deleting the schedule while you investigate the problem you can simply disable the job till you've fixed the root cause. Also, as you confirmed - you can run it manually so prior to re-enabling the job to begin kicking off every 10 seconds you can do a test run first. if successful then let the schedule run every 10 seconds again.

    edit: spelling mistakes

  • I would just add as a caveat that having unrelated jobs sharing a schedule can have unintended consequences when you think you are changing a schedule for one, but it ends up affecting multiple jobs (Simple example is a "nightly" schedule that runs every night).

  • Ernest Libertucci (5/9/2016)

    I would just add as a caveat that having unrelated jobs sharing a schedule can have unintended consequences when you think you are changing a schedule for one, but it ends up affecting multiple jobs (Simple example is a "nightly" schedule that runs every night).

    agree, personally I don't like schedule sharing ... too many questions for something that could be avoided by creating a new schedule. Others though use it and like it.

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