disabling windows account login.

  • Hi,

    I understand that there are two types of Authentication Modes. Windows Authentication and Mixed Mode. But, in both types Windows account is enabled. Is there any method to disable windows account?



  • No, as the account which runs the sql server service needs access to the sql server.


  • There is no way to use only SQL Server authentication mode. However, you can remove the BUILTIN\Administrators group from the logins if you want to stop system admins from gaining access.

  • BuiltInAdministrators can be removed but it is not recommended (esp. on the cluster) - it can cause SQL Server or Agent Not to Start.

  • I reciently when through the process of removing the BUILTIN\Administrators account, here are my notes:

    -- KB 317746

    exec sp_grantlogin 'NT Authority\System'

    exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'NT Authority\System', @rolename = 'sysadmin'

    exec sp_droplogin 'BUILTIN\Administrators'

    I found a strange one during this process that was not covered by the KB article, it seems that the Task Scheduler will login to SQL Server using the SYSTEM account, exactly why I could not find out. This was determined by the Lumigent Entegra audit software reporting the login failure a the time sheduled tasks were performed, after adding the SYSTEM account login in SQL Server this audit notification stopped.


  • During the installation of our software we use InstallShield to revoke the Administrator logins, and apply a password to the sa account. This is because (with our wonderful setup on Windows XP) the user could access SQL Server via the 'OSQL -E' command and we needed to stop that.


    The commands within the InstallShield script are as follows:


    exec sp_password NULL, new password, 'sa'

    exec sp_revokelogin N'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS

    exec sp_revokelogin N'ServerName\ADMINISTRATOR




  • I know for sure that if BUILTIN\Administrators is removed Full Text Search breaks - becuase it always uses Local System Account. It cannot query remote servers. If SQL Server and Agent are also using the same account - they will not start.

  • Both SQL Server and SQL Server Agent can be started up with a specific account instead of the system account.  Right click the Server in Enterprise Manager, chose Properties, Security tab to change the SQL Server startup account.  Right click SQL Server Agent (under Management), chose Properties, General tab will allow you to change the SQL Server Agent startup account.  These must be changed to a specific account to be able to get rid of the BUILTIN\Administrators account.


  •  KBLink:237604.KB.[LN]: PRB: SQL Server Agent does not start and

     displays error 18456

     KBLink:291255.KB.[LN]: BUG: IsAlive check does not run under the

     context of the BUILTIN\Administrators account

     KBLink:295034.KB.[LN]: FIX: Microsoft Search Service may cause 100% CPU

     usage if BUILTIN\Administrators login is removed

     KBLink:274446.KB.[LN]: INF: Upgrade to SQL Server 2000 failover

     solution recommended for all non-SQL Server 2000 virtual servers

     317746.KB.EN-US : SQL Server Full-Text Search Does Not Populate Catalogs

    BUG: Sp_addarticle Stored Procedure Failures Occur After You Apply SQL WGID:230

    ID: 815122.KB.EN-US

    All the above say - DON'T DO IT


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