Disappearing records

  • I have a Product table. A user is complaining that the records entered in the last hour has disappeared. There is a timestamp column that indicates when the record is created/modified and there is a one hour gap between the last two records. The table also have an identity column but there are no gaps in there though.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance,


    Edited by - bp on 09/30/2003 11:44:02 AM

  • Are the additions part of a transaction? If so, the transaction might have been rolled back for some reason.

    I guess you are sure nothing strange happened to the server during that hour. A crash, reboot, ...

  • Thanks NPeeters for your response.

    Nope, the additions are part of the transaction but I don't think they were rolled back because there are no gaps in the identity column (for example: given the following values in the identity column:1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. This will show that 5 and 6 may have been rolled back).

    I checked the event log and db log. Nothing strange happened.


  • I saw something like this once. After much analysis we discovered that the client had two databases for the application, one Live and one Test, and the user had inadvertantly chosen the Test database when logging in.



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