Disgregating a table.

  • HI.

    In my payroll database, there's a table for the receipt's details, with this columns: rec_num, cod_con, tot_con where:

    rec_num: number of the receipt

    cod_con: is the code of the concept paided

    tot_con: is the total amount of the concept.

    The concepts are divided into asignations (the code begins with "A") and deductions (they begin with "R") i need to get a query with this columns:

    rec_num: number of the receipt

    cod_con_A: is the code of the ASIGNATION concept paided

    tot_con_A: is the total amount of the ASIGNATION concept.

    cod_con_R: is the code of the DEDUCTION concept paided

    tot_con_R: is the total amount of the DEDUCTION concept.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • I'm not quite clear what the table looks like or how you want your results, but assuming the table and it's data looks something like this;

    create table #receipt

    ( rec_num int not null, cod_con char(5) not null, tot_con int not null )

    insert #receipt select 123, 'A12', 100

    insert #receipt select 123, 'R12',  50

    insert #receipt select 123, 'A10', 250

    insert #receipt select 123, 'A50', 125

    select * from #receipt

    rec_num     cod_con tot_con    

    ----------- ------- -----------

    123         A12     100

    123         R12     50

    123         A10     250

    123         A50     125

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Is this then what you're looking for?

    select  rec_num,

            cod_con as cod_con_A,

            tot_con as tot_con_A,

            null    as cod_con_R,

            null    as tot_con_R

    from    #receipt

    where   cod_con like 'A%'


    select  rec_num,

            null    as cod_con_A,

            null    as tot_con_A,

            cod_con as cod_con_R,

            tot_con as tot_con_R

    from    #receipt

    where   cod_con like 'R%'

    rec_num     cod_con_A tot_con_A   cod_con_R tot_con_R  

    ----------- --------- ----------- --------- -----------

    123         NULL      NULL        R12       50

    123         A10       250         NULL      NULL

    123         A12       100         NULL      NULL

    123         A50       125         NULL      NULL

    (4 row(s) affected)



  • Nope..

    What I'm looking for is:

    rec_num     cod_con_A tot_con_A   cod_con_R tot_con_R  
    ----------- --------- ----------- --------- -----------
    123         A10       250         R12       50
    123         A12       100         NULL      NULL
    123         A50       125         NULL      NULL

    Note that the there are only 3 rocords, and the first record has data in asignations AND Deductions..

    Thanks for your quick reply..

  • One solution which comes to my mind is that you can put the whole query inside a parent query & use order by clause.

  • Sorry.. I don't understand your suggestion...

    Could you be more specific?


  • I was wondering whether something like this would solve your problem.


    select * from


    select  rec_num,

            cod_con as cod_con_A,

            tot_con as tot_con_A,

            null    as cod_con_R,

            null    as tot_con_R

    from    #receipt

    where   cod_con like 'A%'


    select  rec_num,

            null    as cod_con_A,

            null    as tot_con_A,

            cod_con as cod_con_R,

            tot_con as tot_con_R

    from    #receipt

    where   cod_con like 'R%'

    ) order by cod_con_A, tot_con_A,cod_con_R,tot_con_R

  • Ohhh I am sorry. I think I got your requirement only now...

    Let me think abt it... I will reply to you in a short while if I get some solution. :

  • I have one doubt... Does the rec_num value repeats ?

    In our example, we have three ASIGNATION for the same receipt number. Is it allowed in the system ?

    Just wanted to know this in order to think about the where condition of the query.

  • I think i have to say that I solved the problem with a little of programming.. but still i would like to optimize it with full SQL sentences if possible...

    here is what i did.

    1) Create a cursor for those concepts beginning with "A" called qa

    2) Create a cursor for those concepts beginning with "R" called qr

    3) Create an empty table called qf with fields:

    rec_num, cod_con_A, tot_con_A, cod_con_R, tot_con_R

    4) search each combintion of qa.rec_num+qa.cod_con in qf. if it doesn't exist, add the complete record.

    5) search for those records which rec_num=qd.rec_num and cod_con_R=.null. if is found, replace the correspondinf fields, if not, add the complete record.

    I hope this helps you to help me..

  • yes.. it repeats..

    Imagine something like an invoice.. where the invoice number repeats for each item..

  • Hi Jonathan,

    I think I found out a solution....Though its a long cut.

    I couldnt find a way by which a simple SQL doing the trick. So I went for this long way... Plz let me know whether this works for you.


    Declare @OutputString Varchar (500),

    @rec_num int,

    @A_cod_con VARCHAR (50),

    @A_tot_con int,

    @R_cod_con VARCHAR (50),

    @R_tot_con int,

    @A_Fetch_End int,

    @R_Fetch_End int

    declare cur_rec_num cursor


    select distinct rec_num from #receipt

    open cur_rec_num

    fetch next from cur_rec_num into @rec_num

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     declare cur_A_data cursor


     select cod_con, tot_con from #receipt

     where cod_con like 'A%'

     and rec_num=@rec_num


     declare cur_R_data cursor


     select cod_con, tot_con from #receipt

     where cod_con like 'R%'

     and rec_num=@rec_num


     open cur_A_data

     open cur_R_data

     SET @A_Fetch_End=0

     SET @R_Fetch_End=0

     while (@A_Fetch_End = 0 or @R_Fetch_End = 0)


      fetch next from cur_A_data into @A_cod_con,@A_tot_con

      set @A_Fetch_End= @@fetch_status


      fetch next from cur_R_data into @R_cod_con,@R_tot_con

      set @R_Fetch_End= @@fetch_status

      if (@A_Fetch_End = 0)


       set @OutputString = convert(varchar,@rec_num) + ',' + @A_cod_con + ',' + convert(varchar,@A_tot_con)




        set @OutputString = convert(varchar,@rec_num) + ',' + '' +  ',' + ''



      if (@R_Fetch_End=0)


       set @OutputString = @OutputString +  ',' + @R_cod_con + ',' + convert(varchar,@R_tot_con)




        set @OutputString = @OutputString  + ',' + '' +  ',' + ''



      print @OutputString


     CLOSE cur_A_data

     DEALLOCATE cur_A_data


     CLOSE cur_R_data

     DEALLOCATE cur_R_data

     fetch next from cur_rec_num into @rec_num


    CLOSE cur_rec_num

    DEALLOCATE cur_rec_num

  • Oops... Now I saw your earlier posting saying that you too solved the problem by using cursors....

    I was working on this program for abt 1 hour now & didnt notice your posting saying that you solved it.

    Did you do the same way ?

  • Thanks a lot...

    I'll give this a try.. and tell you later if it works. Thanks again.

  • Ah, I see... Well, I guess you're stuck with some 'ugly' iterative (ie cursor) process to build this result then. I don't belive it's possible to produce an output like this

    rec_num     cod_con_A tot_con_A   cod_con_R tot_con_R 

    ----------- --------- ----------- --------- -----------

    123         A10       250         R12       50

    123         A12       100         NULL      NULL

    123         A50       125         NULL      NULL

    from the four original rows within a SQL statement. The reason is that there are no relations between the 'A's and 'R's that shows this way. The above is a constructed display formatting (ie report).

    The closest you can get with a single SQL statement is either

    rec_num     cod_con_A tot_con_A   cod_con_R tot_con_R  

    ----------- --------- ----------- --------- -----------

    123         A12       100         R12       50

    123         A10       250         R12       50

    123         A50       125         R12       50

    (3 row(s) affected)


    rec_num     cod_con_A tot_con_A   cod_con_R tot_con_R  

    ----------- --------- ----------- --------- -----------

    123         NULL      NULL        R12       50

    123         A10       250         NULL      NULL

    123         A12       100         NULL      NULL

    123         A50       125         NULL      NULL

    (4 row(s) affected)

    ..the output you want isn't supported by the tables design, therefore you must 'reconstruct' it by some iterative process like cursor or temtable... or reformat on the client side, if that is an option...


  • Thanks a lot for your teaching reply.

    Do we have in this forum the possibility of marking a reply as THE SOLUTION? as we have in universalthread.com?

    If we can, let me know so i can place this mark on your great reply.

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