display last row in subgroup and calcuate dynamically

  • Query need be displaying Product , last SubProduct in the list based on IsPrimary

    Display quantity for each Product values multiplied. I need to have an query for below result

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product_Table](

    [Product Id] [char](10) NULL,

    [IsPrimary] [int] NULL,

    [Quantity] [numeric](18, 0) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P001', 1, 0)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P001.1', 0, 2)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P001.2', 0, 4)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P001.3', 0, 5)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002', 1, 0)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002.1', 0,6)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002.2', 0,7)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002.3', 0,9)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002.4', 0,10)

    INSERT INTO Product_Table ([Product Id], IsPrimary, Quantity) VALUES ('P002.5', 0,11)

    Need the result to be as

    Product Id | SubProduct |Quantity

    P001 | | 40

    P001 | P001.3 |0

    P002 | | 41580

    P002 | P002.5| 0

    Kindly let me know how to display last item only in group and multiply all values and display in main group

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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
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  • Something like this?

    Select A.[Product Id],


    select exp(sum(log(quantity))) from product_table B

    where isprimary = 0

    and CHARINDEX(Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id]))+'.',B.[Product Id]) > 0

    ) as Value

    from product_table A


    A.isPrimary = 1


    select A.[Product Id],0

    from product_table A

    where A.isPrimary = 0

    and not Exists

    (Select *

    from product_table B


    substring(Ltrim(Rtrim(B.[Product Id])), CHARINDEX('.',Ltrim(Rtrim(B.[Product Id]))) + 1, LEN(Ltrim(Rtrim(B.[Product Id])))) >

    substring(Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id])), CHARINDEX('.',Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id]))) + 1, LEN(Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id]))))

    and B.isPrimary = 0

    and substring(Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id])), 1, CHARINDEX('.',Ltrim(Rtrim(A.[Product Id]))) - 1) =

    substring(Ltrim(Rtrim(B.[Product Id])), 1, CHARINDEX('.',Ltrim(Rtrim(B.[Product Id]))) - 1)


    Let me Know if it works

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