Distributed Transactions, pushing updates to Remote Server

  • Hi

    I have a nightly refresh job that pushes changes to data out to the production DB from a staging DB. I can only connect from the staging DB to the production DB. There fore all my inserts,updates and deletes are being executed locally on the staging server. Some of the tables have 1m plus rows. Therefore to delete rows from production or update rows It needs to pull the 1m row locally to execute the query and then send the updates or deletes back out to the remote server (sometimes of 2 or 3 rows might have changed). I have about 45 tables and this refresh sp is killing the productionDB when it is run.

    Is there anyway to speed this up. Can I push the updates to remote server to update them there. I originally used a DateLastUpdated field on the tables and compared them to identify changes. Now I use an indicator (ActionCode) to identify the rows that have changed. This speeded up inserts but made little difference to updates and deletes. here are the scripts I used for

    The inserts arent so bad

    Insert INTO ProductionDB.Catalog.DBO.Table

    SELECT fields....

    From StagingDB..Table AS STAGING

    where STAGING.ActionCode ='I'

    But the updates and deletes are very slow

    DELETE ProductionDB.Catalog.DBO.Table

    FROM ProductionDB.Catalog.DBO.Table Prod

    INNER JOIN StagingDB..Table staging ON ...

    WHERE Staging.ActionCode = 'D'

    UPDATE ProductionDB.Catalog.DBO.Table



    FROM ProductionDB.Catalog.DBO.Table Prod

    INNER JOIN StagingDB..Table staging ON ...

    WHERE Staging.ActionCode = 'U'



  • These are the two things I would to  look at first:

    1 - Having an index on the ActionCode (and any other filter conditions you have). This will reduce the time spent on the selection process. This may not be the best solution and/or could be used in combination with #2.

    2 - Write the procedure on the Production server. Call it with the filter criteria. The procedure will run on the production server and the data will selected there instead of being moved over to the staging server and then processed.

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