Distribution agents hung

  • Lately I am having problem with our Transactional replication. The distributiopn agents get hung even though they are set to run every 5 min. .The no. of undistributed commands rise and I have to manually stop/start synchronization for each distribution agent and it works. How can I prevent this from happening?

    Any help is appreciated.

  • How come you set it up as once every 5 min? That makes the distribution commands grow and thus causing the problem. You could set the distribution as immediate.

    Also are you by any chance sharing the distribution database with the subscriber or publisher?


  • Agents set to run every five min. has been working fine from a long time as we don't have that many transactions. Distributor and publisher are the same server.

  • Have you checked for blocking processes? Also, are you using any triggers on the affected tables?

    Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, since 1955.
  • There is no blocking and no triggers.

  • How many distibution agents do you have running? I have seen this problem before where a large number of concurrent distribution agents can cause the desktop heap to run out of memory and the agent hangs. Have a look in the event log for OS errors.

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