Dlookup gone?

  • Hello All:

    I'm working on a converted access .adp and I just found out that domain aggregate functions, in particular Dlookup, are not available.  Does anyone have a good approach to resolve this?  Is there another function I could use or should I write a new function to replace it?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Cleech

  • Hi Cleech,

    Try using a sub-query instead.  For Example, in Access a query could look like:

    SELECT OrderId
    FROM Orders
    WHERE EmployeeID = DLookUp("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "[LastName] = 'Smith'" );

    Can be represented in SQL Server as:

    SELECT OrderId
    FROM Orders
    WHERE EmployeeID = (SELECT [EmployeeID

    ] FROM Employees WHERE [LastName] = 'Smith' ) 

    You can also use sub-queries for variables, so in Access VBA:

    Dim strEmployeeName As String
    strEmployeeName = DLookUp("[LastName]", "Employees", "[EmployeeID] = 1234" ) 

    Can be represented in T-SQL as:

    DECLARE @CEmployeeName nvarchar(128)
    SET @CEmployeeName = (SELECT [LastName] FROM Employees WHERE [EmployeeID] = 1234 ) 

    Hope this helps!

  • Create your own Dlookup function.

    Something like this:

    Public Function fDlookup(sField As String, sTable As String, sCriteria As String) As Variant

    On Error GoTo fDlookup_Error

        Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

        Dim sSQL As String


        fDlookup = ""


        sSQL = "SELECT " & sField & " " & _

                "FROM " & sTable & " " & _

                "WHERE " & sCriteria


        rst.Open sSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly


        If Not rst.BOF Then

            fDlookup = Trim$(rst(sField))

        End If



        If rst.State = adStateOpen Then rst.Close

        Set rst = Nothing

        Exit Function


        MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "Function fDlookup"

        fDlookup = Null

        Resume fDlookup_Exit


    End Function



    Anders Dæmroen

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