DML for Monthly Schedule

  • Guys,

    I have to generate monthly payment schedule from the below information

    NoofPayments TotalAmt ContractNum startdayofmonth

    4 4542 1 4

    Based on the above information the schedule should be generated starting 4th day of next month, payment amount rounded off to 2 digits after the decimal

    PymntDate PymntAmt

    12/4/08 1135.5

    01/4/09 1135.5

    02/4/09 1135.5

    03/4/09 1135.5

    Any suggestions/inputs would help


  • am (11/24/2008)


    I have to generate monthly payment schedule from the below information

    NoofPayments TotalAmt ContractNum startdayofmonth

    4 4542 1 4

    Based on the above information the schedule should be generated starting 4th day of next month, payment amount rounded off to 2 digits after the decimal

    PymntDate PymntAmt

    12/4/08 1135.5

    01/4/09 1135.5

    02/4/09 1135.5

    03/4/09 1135.5

    Any suggestions/inputs would help


    One, some information is missing. You have a start day of month, but how do we know the month and year?

    Two, what code have you come up with so far and what error(s) or problems are you having?

  • Look up how to use a nums or tally table. Hopefully this will get you started.

    Declare @NoofPayments int

    Declare @TotalAmt int

    Declare @startdayofmonth int

    Set @NoofPayments = 4

    Set @TotalAmt = 4542

    Set @startdayofmonth = 4

    Declare @Nums Table(i integer)

    Insert Into @Nums Values(1)

    Insert Into @Nums Values(2)

    Insert Into @Nums Values(3)

    Insert Into @Nums Values(4)

    Insert Into @Nums Values(5)

    Select Cast(@TotalAmt/(@NoofPayments * 1.0) as decimal(18,2)),

    Cast(Month(Dateadd(m, i,Getdate())) as varchar(2)) + '/' +

    Cast(@startdayofmonth as varchar(2)) + '/' +

    Cast(Year(Dateadd(m, i,Getdate())) as varchar(4))

    FROM @nums WHERE i <= @NoofPayments

  • The start date should always start from next month based on the specific day of the month provided. Regarding my code I am still trying to figure out how do it.

    However any suggestions and inputs would help


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