DMV equivalents of Windows Performance Counter

  • Hey guys. We are in the process of moving our metrics from performance counters to DVM's. I'm just wondering, are there any equivalents for the following windows performance counters in DMV's

    Category Counter


    LogicalDisk Avg. Disk Sec/Transfer

    Network Interface Bytes Total/Sec

    "The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them." - Benjamin Howett

  • Yes, some of the counters are available from Dynamic Management Objects.

    Take a look at sys.dm_os_performance_counters.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I think sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV returns performance counters related SQL Server only.

    Non-SQL Server performance counter such as LogicalDisk Avg. Disk Sec/Transfer, Network Interface Bytes Total/Sec are not returned by this DMV

  • sys.os_exec_performance_counters DMV

    The "sys.os_exec_performance_counters" DMV, lets you use simple TSQL to obtain different SQL Server performance counters. This view contains both instance level and database specific counters. Some counters provided valuable information by themselves, while other counters require you to compare the difference between multiple counters, to obtain a meaningful counter value. Below is list of the different SQL Server objects available within this DMV. For each of these objects multiple counters exist:

    SQLServer:Buffer Partition

    SQLServer:User Settable



    SQLServer:Cursor Manager by Type

    SQLServer:Exec Statistics


    SQLServer:Memory Manager

    SQLServer:SQL Errors

    SQLServer:Buffer Node

    SQLServer:Plan Cache

    SQLServer:Access Methods

    SQLServer:Cursor Manager Total

    SQLServer:Broker Activation


    SQLServer:Wait Statistics

    SQLServer:Broker/DBM Transport

    SQLServer:General Statistics

    SQLServer:SQL Statistics

    SQLServer:Catalog Metadata

    SQLServer:Broker Statistics


    SQLServer:Buffer Manage

    As you can see, there are quite a few SQL Server objects that contain performance counters, which are exposed by this DMV. For more information about each of these objects, please refer to the Books Online topic titled "Using SQL Server Object".

    These performance counters were available in SQL Server 2000 by retrieving information from the "master.dbo.sysperfinfo" table. A view that represents this table has been provided in SQL Server 2005, for backwards compatibility with SQL Server 2000. This view allows your old SQL Server 2000 code to still work and retrieve information about performance counters. But as with any backwards compatible feature you should consider re-writing your code to use the new "sys.os_exec_performance_counters" DMV.

  • I found this link

    but were you able to query sys.os_exec_performance_counters DMV?


  • I've been rummaging all the DMV's actually, for the 2 counters but I just couldn't find any equivalent. I just want to verify and confirm it from sql server savvy folks like you guys.

    Thanks so much for the info! I highly appreciate it!

    "The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them." - Benjamin Howett

  • For disk transfer rates, look at the DMF sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats. The values are cumulative, so you need to sample it over a time range a diff the values.

    As for network transfer rates, nothing comes to mind. I would be mostly concerned with the following wait types:

    ASYNC_NETWORK_IO (stalls related to pushing data to clients)

    OLEDB (stalls related to getting data back from a remote query; note that running DMVs also shows waits of this type, as many of them use OLEDB to communicate with the instance)

    If those aren't popping out as problems, then I generally won't bother with looking at raw network rates.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Eddie Wuerch (5/18/2011)

    For disk transfer rates, look at the DMF sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats. The values are cumulative, so you need to sample it over a time range a diff the values.

    As for network transfer rates, nothing comes to mind. I would be mostly concerned with the following wait types:

    ASYNC_NETWORK_IO (stalls related to pushing data to clients)

    OLEDB (stalls related to getting data back from a remote query; note that running DMVs also shows waits of this type, as many of them use OLEDB to communicate with the instance)

    If those aren't popping out as problems, then I generally won't bother with looking at raw network rates.


    Unfortunately, there is much work involved with sampling the sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats because the MB read depends on how much activity there is on the file. If none or very very few and the time gap is significant, the computed speed is very less and this is misleading. We can however couple this with synthetic transaction but again that's another effort altogehter.

    Thanks so much for the insight.

    "The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them." - Benjamin Howett

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