Do we need to backup reportServerTempdb

  • Hi,

    Do we need to backup reportServerTempdb? Is it supported? I know that we cannot backup tempdb and want to know any backup rules for reportServerTempdb?


  • Need to....maybe not. Should you....might make recovery easier.

    The only reason to backup the reportservertempdb is to avoid having to recreate it if there is a hardware failure. In the event of hardware failure, it is not necessary to recover the data in reportservertempdb, but you do need the table structure. If you lose reportservertempdb, the only way to get it back is to recreate the report server database. If you recreate the reportservertempdb, it is important that it have the same name as the primary report server database.

  • Not required, But we need to have to avoid missing table case of we will take backup

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