Documenting Maintenance Plans And Job Schedules

  • I've recently taken over management of an estate of circa 200 SQL Servers (mix of 7, 2K and 2K5) and there is no documentation. In the past I've documented job schedules using Excel spreadsheets to provide a visible representation and just taken screen shots to document maintenance plans. I'm looking around now for a product that can provide me with something automatically.

    I've looked at the RedGate and Idera documentation tools but they concentrate on documenting database objects rather than doing anything to help the operational DBA. I wondered if anyone else has come across this problem, what you did to resolve it and whether you have found any tools which help.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I've tended to document my own stuff. Actually I usually put up a small db on each instance and then schedule jobs to let the server run it's own documentation every day (jobs + success/failure, config, dbs that exist, etc). If there are differences, those are noted and then I use a central server to roll everything up and send a note to the DBAs of any items of concern.

    sqlSentry does a good job of managing all your jobs, and people seem to love it. At the very least, I'd document the current settings and store them somewhere (and keep something offline) so you have a baseline.

  • If you have necessary scripts then you can use a tool from to get the details of all servers in one go. Try that.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks guys.

    Are you still in England Steve? I'm about 50 miles from Cambridge. Great weather we're having today. Hey, it's summer!

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