Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck, and Dodge

  • Doug, no.

    I called Toshiba the day this came out, spoke to a rep that said he would send my laptop to the VIP support line. However the catch was I couldn't take it to the UPS store for shipping that day, I had to wait for a Fed Ex box. That was a Thur. I left town last Mon, and the box had not arrived by Mon afternoon. Of course it arrived Tues.

    So when I returned Sun night I packed it up, shipped out yesterday. I assume it will get to Toshiba tomorrow and then we'll see.

  • Steve,

    Thanks for letting us know - I've had a great experience with my Toshiba Qosmio 17" with 7200 HD, but I'll hold off on the Windows 7 update until I hear back.

    Is the hibernate issue a known issue with Win7 Toshiba Qosmio, or 'seemingly' localized to you laptop?


  • Not sure about that. I saw a few postings on the Toshiba forums about hibernate problems, but nothing quite as severe as this one. The Tech on the phone did say that hibernate should be turned off for Win 7.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (1/26/2010)

    Not sure about that. I saw a few postings on the Toshiba forums about hibernate problems, but nothing quite as severe as this one. The Tech on the phone did say that hibernate should be turned off for Win 7.

    My Toshiba goes into hibernate randomly and it is holding about 30gig of my hard disk, that is the space Windows 7 uses for the process I have tried many times to turn it off but I just got it this morning. I think Microsoft and Toshiba needs to fix this.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Steve Jones - Editor (1/26/2010)

    Not sure about that. I saw a few postings on the Toshiba forums about hibernate problems, but nothing quite as severe as this one. The Tech on the phone did say that hibernate should be turned off for Win 7.

    If hibernation shold be turned off and Toshiba is installing the OS, why don't they just default it to Off and then provide information about how to turn it On (with the caveat of "at your own risk")? 😉

    Ralph D. Wilson II
    Development DBA

    "Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the ax."
    A. Lincoln

  • For my machine, I installed the OS. Didn't see this listed prominently on the Toshiba site when I checked their Win 7 notes.

    I had meant to check what was up with my Toshiba laptop since I was curious. I gave up last week and ordered a Lenovo after they hadn’t updated the status on my machine. But I was wondering if it was coming back, more as curiosity as to what is going on with their service.

    I shipped it back last Monday, that’s now 6 business days, and they should have had it for 3. The status on my case number is “closed” and there are no notes. I would call, but I’m busy, and this blog post is about all it’s worth.

    Coincidentally, I got a shipment notice today for my Lenovo laptop. I’ll have this one well before the Toshiba is fixed.

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