Does anyone know Mike Byrd?

  • Hi,

    I've been trying to access some links within an article written by Mike Byrd on Change Tracking.

    One of the pages is: [/url]

    Unfortunately, there appears to be an error when hyperlinking to the sql scripts.

    This is the same for all 3 parts of his article on change tracking.

    Does anyone know how I might get in contact with him, or if these articles and associated scripts are available anywhere else?

  • i just checked the wayback machine over at, which only had part two of the three part series,a nd pointed to SQL Saturday #234, since it was a presentation there. the links to 1 and 3 don't resolve.

    good luck on your hunt!*/*


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  • He was just presenting at SQL Saturday Oklahoma City this last weekend. We're acquainted, but I don't have a direct contact for him. Here's his LinkedIn page. You should be able to get in touch with him through that. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll work some of my contacts down in Texas. I'm sure we can get you in touch.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Hi Grant,

    Many thanks for replying. Yes, I had noticed Mike on LinkedIn already but was unable to mail with the account level I currently have; I'd have to upgrade.

    Basically, I'm just trying to get access to his change tracking scripts for ETL that he published on the web. At the moment I can only view his article but cannot reach the script links. If there' another way I might contact him then I'd be very grateful if you could help as I'm particularly keen on the method he has set out.

    Even if I were to get a 3rd party email address that could forward on to him, if he's concerned about privacy.

    I don't mind posting my email address here if that's one way to start the chain.

  • DuncEduardo (9/1/2015)

    Hi Grant,

    Many thanks for replying. Yes, I had noticed Mike on LinkedIn already but was unable to mail with the account level I currently have; I'd have to upgrade.

    Basically, I'm just trying to get access to his change tracking scripts for ETL that he published on the web. At the moment I can only view his article but cannot reach the script links. If there' another way I might contact him then I'd be very grateful if you could help as I'm particularly keen on the method he has set out.

    Even if I were to get a 3rd party email address that could forward on to him, if he's concerned about privacy.

    I don't mind posting my email address here if that's one way to start the chain.

    don't try to email him. Try sending him a direct message on LinkedIn. Request a contact and tell him why. He's a nice guy. I'm sure he'll help you out. Let me know if that doesn't work before I start all the back channels to track him down.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • The link to SQL Saturday that Grant provided includes his Twitter handle. You can hit him on Twitter and just link to this post for reference.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Mike Byrd presented "Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control" at sql saturday 514. You can download all of his scripts complete with power point here on the sql saturday 514 schedule.



  • so many thanks for this, much appreciated

  • Grant Fritchey (9/1/2015)

    DuncEduardo (9/1/2015)

    Hi Grant,

    Many thanks for replying. Yes, I had noticed Mike on LinkedIn already but was unable to mail with the account level I currently have; I'd have to upgrade.

    Basically, I'm just trying to get access to his change tracking scripts for ETL that he published on the web. At the moment I can only view his article but cannot reach the script links. If there' another way I might contact him then I'd be very grateful if you could help as I'm particularly keen on the method he has set out.

    Even if I were to get a 3rd party email address that could forward on to him, if he's concerned about privacy.

    I don't mind posting my email address here if that's one way to start the chain.

    don't try to email him. Try sending him a direct message on LinkedIn. Request a contact and tell him why. He's a nice guy. I'm sure he'll help you out. Let me know if that doesn't work before I start all the back channels to track him down.

    ... a belated reply to this and thanks for advice - latest post had link to site from where I managed to locate the documents I was after

    Thanks again

  • Shawn Melton (9/1/2015)

    The link to SQL Saturday that Grant provided includes his Twitter handle. You can hit him on Twitter and just link to this post for reference.

    ... and thanks also to you Shawn

    Problem solved (without having to do any tweeting thank God)

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