Does SQL = MySQL

  • I planed to make a MySQL database and use PHP to pull the into my Flash website. I signed up for a class in MySQL/PHP. I later found out my I.T. department can get me the database in SQL.

    Will the things I learn in the MySQL/PHP class relate to a SQL database? or should I look for a SQL specific class?

  • Like PHP, MySQL seems to have been written by a bunch of people who thought "what is missing from all web creation languages and how can we put all the missing bits in plus everything on our wish list". They then went off and smoked some serious illegal herbage and added the results of their wildest imaginings.

    The result is a language and database that does absolutely everything that a web developer could possibly want to do.

    At the core of MySQL the SQL language has many additional extensions to ANSI SQL that make it useful for web sites. That said, there are things that MySQL 4 cannot do that SQL Server/Sybase/ORACLE can't. I haven't looked at MySQL5 yet.

    Learning MySQL would provide a good grounding in the general SQL language but the differences between MySQL and SQL Server might frustrate you until you become familiar with both products.

    If the course is any good you will learn not only the basic technicalities but also some good practise elements.

  • I ported an application from mySQL to SQL Server.  The biggest problem I ran into was that mySQL is very type-loose meaning it can deal with coercion of type data where SQL Server is not so "non-developer" friendly.  I personally found that annoying because it let the php developer be very sloppy with variables and updates to the database which caused me to basically rewrite every SQL statement.

    This was an older version of mySQL.  I am not sure what's been done since then.

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