Does T1118 impacts all the databases

  • Hi,

    In SQL Server 2005 , i found the contention in 2:1:3 in wait resource. If i enabled T1118 does it only impact the allocation in TEMPDB or all the other databases will be impacted.

    What will the negative impact if any in User databases if T1118 is enabled.

    Should I enable it for sql 2008 environment as well?

    If Paul or anyone who knows the answer or point me to the right direction, would certainly appreciate.

  • All databases.

    Before enabling that, see if additional data files for TempDB helps. How many CPU cores and how many tempDB files do you have?

    Are you seeing contention on 2:1:3 on 2008 as well?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi,

    Check that you are running a build higher or equal to 9.00.3166 on your 2005 SQL Server if you intend to switch -T1118 on. cf

    David B.

  • The issue is only on SQL Server 2005. It is not on SQL 2008.

    There are 4 tempdb files each 5 GB maxcapped to 10 Gb.

    It is a 4 CPU server and the version is SP3 CU5

    I couldn't see in any blogs or MSDN articles saying T1118 impacts all USER DB . it is always discussed on for TEMPDB.

    Regarding SQL 2008, it was out of curiosity ...i know some changes has been done like temp db caching etc . but need to know some more info...

  • I would say like Gail, 1118 has an impact on all databases allocation:

    On a SQL2005 SP3 instance started with -T1118:

    [font="Courier New"]

    create database uniformext

    use uniformext

    create table T1(a char(8000))

    insert into T1 values (replicate('a',8000))

    go 2

    dbcc ind('uniformext','T1',-1)


    1 40 NULL NULL 2073058421 0

    1 184 1 40 2073058421 0

    1 185 1 40 2073058421 0

    -- 1:184 and 1:185 are data pages, 1:40 is the allocation page for T1. As they follow there are chances they are on the same extent.

    -- Look at the IAM page contents:

    dbcc traceon(3604)

    dbcc page(18,1,40,3)


    IAM: Extent Alloc Status Slot 1 @0x6303C0C2

    (1:0) - (1:176) = NOT ALLOCATED

    (1:184) - = ALLOCATED

    (1:192) - (1:272) = NOT ALLOCATE


    You don't see two single page allocations here, you see only one for 184. Proof that -T1118 also applies on user dbs.

    I guess you've already read these but just in case:



    David B.

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