Does Win2003 works with SQL 2000 SP3 ?

  • I have SQL 2000 SP3 on a Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 and would like to upgrade to Windows 2003 Advanced Server (Win2003). Does Win2003 works with SQL 2000 SP3 ? Please help.

    Thanks, Jimmy

  • It is not called advanced server, it is enterprise edition and yep it works, remember to install SQL Server first before the service packs and there is also a 3a both are needed to run most .NET related applications.  The key is ignore all Windows questions answer only those relevant to you.  The service packs 3 and 3a are 25 .sql files Windows use as needed.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks Gift Peddie.

    I don't quite understand when you say "intall SQL Server first before the service packs". The server is already SQL 2000 SP3, my question was if I can upgrade the same box to Win2003 ?

    Another question: Isn't SQL 2000 SP3 the same as SP3a ? I always thought they are the same. Was there a SP3a release ?

    Thanks again, Jimmy

  • That is an upgrade of the OS don't much about that but I think you need to run some tests of the upgrade and fresh install then backup and restore your databases it will be clean. 

    And yes there was 3a without the a reporting services will not let you install it I learned the hard way.  And I cannot remember now but I opened the stuff so I have the 25 .sql files I can flip them to you and don't worry Windows use them as needed because I watched the install with all current OS and Windows use them from 11 to 14 files. 

    So try upgrade in a sand box and fresh install also in a sand box so there are no surprises.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks a lot !

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