Domain administrators

  • Hi there,

    Sorry if this question has been asked before...

    When I install a new instance of SQL Server, the domain administrators

    automatically get assigned as System Administrators.  I always take them

    out of the System Administrator Server Role, but when I try to DenyDataReader

    or DenyDataWriter to this group, I get a message saying "cannot use the reserved

    user or role name dbo"...How can I deny read and write access to the

    administrator group?


  • Can you put them in a custom role and explicitly deny them access to the database?

    Or Better yet, remove the group from the server all together. 

    I am not sure but the sa account needs to be local admin on box but might be in the domain group as well.  This might cause the error you are seeing. 

  • First things we do is add the windows SQLserver-administrators-group as login and add it to the sysadmins serverrole.

    Then we always remove builtin\administrators from the sqlserver-logins !

    Our SQLservers all run using a windows service account.



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  • What you've seen from the others is correct...

    BUILTIN\Administrators is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role by default. Domain Admins are getting sysadmin rights through this login. All members of the sysadmin role map into the databases as dbo unless you explicitly define them to map differently. This isn't a good idea. Also, even if you could, restricting dbo isn't a good idea because that would affect you, as well, since you map in as dbo.

    Basically, if you are able, remove the BUILTIN\Administrators login or drop it out of the sysadmin fixed server role AFTER you've made sure you've added the group for the DBAs in as sysadmins. Also, if you are on a cluster or if you are using Full-Text Indexing, there are some additional steps you'll want to perform BEFORE touching the BUILTIN\Administrators group. Here's an article I wrote discussing how to do this:


    K. Brian Kelley

  • While Brian has the best advice fro this, I typically leave the domain admins in because they are a small select group (here) and know better than to work with the db servers. However, they are handy remote hands people to have in an emergency (like when I'm skiing )


  • Steve makes a good point. We tend to leave ours in as well in case of emergencies like when they're onsite and we're at home at 3 AM. I happen to be in both groups so I'm an exception to the rule, but generally our domain admins keep their grubby little fingers off the SQL Servers unless a DBA demands otherwise (with promises of non-retribution, etc.).

    K. Brian Kelley

  • thanks for all your suggestions.  As we have over 30 people in the domain admin group, I feel I need to remove them....there are only a few in the DBA group...

    thanks again.


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