Domain Migration

  • Hello,

    does somebody knows the steps to migrate sqlserver 2000 from a domain to another one?

  • are your databases using SQl or windows authentication ?

    how many accounts are in there ?

  • Both, sql and windows authentication. Waht about th system accounts?

  • you could change them to localsystem while you drop the server back to a workgroup , then onto the new domain - have you created new service accoutns in the new domain ?


    from what I can see it only gets complex if you have a cluster.

  • i did not yet created the new services accounts in the new domains. That s why i ask for the steps to perform this.

  • You need to change your service account if you are using the domain account other than I don't think you need to anything...

    I think your server is not in cluster... then nothing to worry...



    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • First question... is there a trust between the two domains? Second questions... is this a complete migration (to include all user accounts, etc.)?


    K. Brian Kelley

  • I agree to brian kelly about having cross domain TRUST & that will save time.

  • Cross domain trust is based on company rules and decision...

    Yes it good to have but it is not required as long as you have the option to move the backups for restore.


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • yes the domains are trudted and all account have to migrate. But i dont know what will happen with all the DTS, moving, copying files from servers to servers....

  • Moving SQL Server is fairly simple... if it's not a cluster. You get the service accounts in the new domain, give them the appropriate permissions (changing service accounts via Enterprise Manager is the best way to guarantee this), and change the service accounts out and the SQL Servers are now running under user accounts in the new domain. The caveat here is if the SQL Server service account (and SQL Server Agent service account) access things outside of SQL Server, such as mail, file shares, etc. In that case, you'll need to make sure the appropriate permissions are granted BEFORE making the change. That also means you'll need to map out where all your SQL Server and Agent service accounts touch.

    Migrating users/groups is more difficult. Hopefully your domain migration team has a mapping from the old groups/users to the new groups/users. You'll need that. And then you'll have to do the permission setup to match new and old. If you've already got pre-created database roles, things are a whole lot easier.

    Clusters, as I said, are a whole different story. But all in all, with the proper detailed planning, this isn't that difficult to implement. We found our biggest challenge was collecting the information of where all SQL Server touched and figuring out how the users and groups mapped. Once we did that migrating our SQL Servers was very little trouble at all.


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian,

    thank you for the answer. Our SQL server is not in a cluster. The first step wil be to migrate the dev server and see what will happen.

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