don't fail package on email task failure

  • i have an SSIS package tha contains a foreach loop, in this foreach loop, i have many tasks for running other packages. in the end of these tasks, i have a send mail task.

    what i want, that this package don't fail if the send mail fails. per example, if the smtp is not running...

    thanks for any help ...

  • Make sure the property on the SMTP task is set to False for both FailPackageOnFailure and FaileParentOnFailure. The task will still fail if it can not connect to the SMTP server. However, to keep the package running, add an additional Precedence constraint off the SMTP task and set it;s value to Failure and Logical Or for Multiple Constraints.

  • i found this method of sending emails less hassle and didn't face any problems for 6 months now, just put this in a sql task. there could be settings that you need to tweek on the sql server, our dba is responsible for that:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = '', @recipients='x@y.z',

    @importance = 'High',

    @subject = 'bla.',

    @body = 'There was a problem in the "Process data" task.';


  • well david, first of all thanks for your reply, and second i didn't get that exactly...

    there is no smtp task.. or you mean by smtp task the "send mail task"?

    can you please make it clear for me... it's very important for me ....

    and thanks again...

  • Yes, sorry about that. I did mean the Send Mail task.

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