Don't Look Ethel!

  • My colleague and I have certain tasks which, when we do them, we always say to each other 'Dont' look at the screen!'. We would swear that, if we do, the darned task will fail! We would swear the servers can hear us.

    Does anyone else have certain tasks, not necessarily in SQL Server, where they apply the same rule or are my colleague and I simply in need of a holiday?

    Madame Artois

  • Call me a bit too serious, but I wouldnt take my eyes off the screen if I were you.

    The mere fact that you "expect" something to fail, says a lot.

    Rather get all you're scripts tasks etc in a good order, then you can stare at the screen the whole day, and witness

    what is happening?.... you never know...while you are looing away, the server might drop..... πŸ˜‰

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Henrico Bekker (3/18/2010)

    Call me a bit too serious, but I wouldnt take my eyes off the screen if I were you.

    The mere fact that you "expect" something to fail, says a lot.

    Rather get all you're scripts tasks etc in a good order, then you can stare at the screen the whole day, and witness

    what is happening?.... you never know...while you are looing away, the server might drop..... πŸ˜‰

    Sorry, it was a joke!

    Madame Artois

  • S Hodkinson (3/18/2010)

    My colleague and I have certain tasks which, when we do them, we always say to each other 'Dont' look at the screen!'. We would swear that, if we do, the darned task will fail! We would swear the servers can hear us.

    Does anyone else have certain tasks, not necessarily in SQL Server, where they apply the same rule or are my colleague and I simply in need of a holiday?

    Sure sounds like - a little rest and relaxation seem to be in order. Clear the mind of doubt and paranoia, get a massage to loosen up - hmmm, sounds kind of nice, I may need to join you. Anyway, I'm sure you're good at what you do or you wouldn't be doing it (at least not for long), correct?

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Just because I am paraniod does not mean that they are not after me. And yes, I have been doing this job for more years than I care to remember; I go back to paper tape.

    It was just a jokey question. There are some routine tasks that somehow you know will get jinxed. Restoring that dodgy database, painting the outside of the house, cooking that fantastic meal when you really need to impress etc etc

    Madame Artois

  • S Hodkinson (3/18/2010)

    Just because I am paraniod does not mean that they are not after me. And yes, I have been doing this job for more years than I care to remember; I go back to paper tape.

    Me too!

    S Hodkinson (3/18/2010)

    It was just a jokey question. There are some routine tasks that somehow you know will get jinxed. Restoring that dodgy database, painting the outside of the house, cooking that fantastic meal when you really need to impress etc etc

    I KNOW it was meant jokingly. I was simply stating a holiday may be in order (if you're asking, it's time!) - Lord knows it is for me, just need to figure out when/where. The daily grind gets old and a break will do wonders for the psyche!

    Have a good day Madame Artois!

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • S Hodkinson (3/18/2010)

    Just because I am paraniod does not mean that they are not after me. And yes, I have been doing this job for more years than I care to remember; I go back to paper tape.

    It was just a jokey question. There are some routine tasks that somehow you know will get jinxed. Restoring that dodgy database, painting the outside of the house, cooking that fantastic meal when you really need to impress etc etc

    Well I thought it was funny - but then, I remember The Streak too.

    What's really funny is you posted up something which you thought was funny and it fell kinda flat and it wasn't your fault, were lookin at the screen while you were posting, right? :hehe:

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  • Well I am off to Sharm El Sheikh in May and I cannot wait!! In the meantime we do have to do some painting............ Don't Look Ethel

    Madame Artois

  • My vote is for holiday, a long one, something that involves imbibing beverages liberally sprinkled with alcohol.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I have been known to cross my finger and mutter at the screen a bit to make sure something works. Sometimes that's all we can do, especially if we're under pressure.

    Course I swear it's like the pot boiling water. It takes longer when I look πŸ˜‰

  • I have to agree with the OP.

    Servers, as we know, are cognisant beings and can even tell if I am work or not.

    I have been accused of "doing something" on a daily basis by a boss as jobs regularly fail when I'm on a day off holiday etc.

    Not that I'm concerned mind you - I get paid call out to put it right πŸ˜‰

    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
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