Don't show null

  • Hi All,

    I have a SQL script that uses select, CTE and a whole bunch of case statements.(see attachment link)

    The script is fine and returns everything I need, But it shows null when there is no data. I have datatypes datetime,int and varchar.

    Is there a way to show a empty or blank field rather than null for all these datatypes? Becuase the application I am uploading to doesn't like null.

  • Look at the ISNULL function ...

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  • thanks for the code tip.

    Unfortunately isnull() forces you to declare a replacement of the same data type of the column.

    Invoice_Id(int, not null)

    Code: ISNULL(invoice_id, 0) returns a zero

    Code: ISNULL(invoice_ID,) is not accepted

    IssueDate(datetime, null)

    Code: ISNULL(issuedate, '') returns 1900:01:01 00:00:00

    Maybe I have to convert them all to strings?

  • ringovski (7/26/2011)

    Maybe I have to convert them all to strings?

    NULL is the universal marker for "undefined" for all data types. Empty string is only valid for character types so the answer to your question is yes. If you want to deliver an empty string instead of NULL then you have to start with a character type and cast all columns in your select list before applying ISNULL.

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