Don't Upgrade to SQL Server 2005

  • The three year comment was made as a look forward, guessing that SQL Server 2008 would be released sometime late next summer. At that point it would be 30+ months since the RTM, so it would be about 3 years old. That was written before the announcement that it would be released in Feb 2008.

    As to the release date, Microsoft typically doesn't announce a specific date and miss it. They have announced we're looking to release in a timeframe, like fall 2003, and then have it slip, but they've committed to a release of 3 products on the same date, so they will likely be released then.

    I don't really stress SQL Server 2005, so I can't really say if it's more stable or faster than ss2k in my environment. It's worked well, but so did 2000. However I hear, read, and speak with people that have upgraded and overwhelmingly they think this is better than previous versions, both in stability and performance, as well as scalability. That's a general impression and doesn't specifically apply to your environment.

    I have definitely heard of both bugs and performance issues, but I'd encourage you to contact Microsoft and work with them. They definitely work to resolve issues, and make sure those fixes get incorporated into future versions. They're not perfect, but they do work hard in the development area. If you have issues finding someone, ping me (sjones at and I'll see if I can help.

    If you haven't upgraded, my point is that it's probably worth waiting for the upgrade. If you have, then make your own decision next year if it's worth upgrading.

  • excellent

  • I can see your point. However, the choice to upgrade or not is determined by some other factors as well. E.g.: we use a financial application which is supported on SQL server 2005 only since april 2007. So they will probably start supporting SQL server 2008 in 2010. Our SQL server 2000 will be 10 years old by then.... So we decided to upgrade to SQL server 2005 this summer.

  • And what about getting a certificacion for SQL Server 2005? I have been studing for 3 month, and now that I see that SQL Server 2008 will be releases I dont know what to do.

  •  I would continue on. I saw a webcast on the features of 2008 this morning. 2008 is not that much different from 2005. 2008 simply builds upon and expands on 2005.

    Database mirroring expanded, data compression, encryption expanded, database backup compression, database backup encryption, etc...

    The management studio appears to be the same.... it was a very high level this is what is in 2008 type thing.


  • Can any one of you give me cost estimate how much it will take to upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005?

  • SQL Server 7, released 2 years later after a v7.5 was foregone, was more stable and has become a fantastic product for thousands of users.

    did you mean

    SQL Server 2000, released 2 years later after a v7.5 was foregone, was more stable and has become a fantastic product for thousands of users.

  • ... It is not easy task ...:hehe:

    you may like to check ReleaseNotesSQLServer2008:

    and Joe Yong article:

    Upgrade SQL Server 2000 to 2005 or 2008?

  • The biggest advantage of 2005 is not 64 bit. 64-bit is hardly an advantage to the majority of companies. Yes memory management is better, however there is also memory inflation. Instead of 4 gigs being enough to run a small shop, It requires 10 Gigs due to 64-bit windows & 64 bit sql. Aside from improved memory management for system running greater than 16 Gigs, 64 bit provides no performance improvement.

  • So, after reading all the comments has anyone gone to SQL 2008 yet? 🙂

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