Don't Want to Change Consecutive Records

  • Using this table:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#JobName','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DateTest


    --===== Create the test table

    CREATE TABLE #JobSample

    ( job NVARCHAR(20)

    , oper_num FLOAT

    , wc NVARCHAR(20)

    , move_hrs FLOAT


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #JobSample (job, oper_num, wc, move_hrs)

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 5, 'Header', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 10, 'FWHI', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 20, 'MAGG', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 30, 'PIP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 40, 'FINSP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 50, 'PIP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 60, 'PIP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 70, 'PIP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 80, 'FINSP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS414', 90, 'FWHR', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 5, 'Header', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 10, 'FWHI', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 15, 'FID', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 18, 'FID', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 20, 'VAS', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 30, 'VAS', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 40, 'FID', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 50, 'FINSP', 12.00 UNION ALL

    SELECT '1112VAS415', 60, 'VAS', 12.00

    --==== SELECT the records

    SELECT * FROM #JobSample

    I want to change all move_hrs to 4, EXCEPT when the the values in the wc field are consecutive, then the move_hrs should be 0. Here is the expected result:

    job oper_num wc move_hrs

    1112VAS414 5 Header 4

    1112VAS414 10 FWHI 4

    1112VAS414 20 MAGG 4

    1112VAS414 30 PIP 4

    1112VAS414 40 FINSP 4

    1112VAS414 50 PIP 4

    1112VAS414 60 PIP 0

    1112VAS414 70 PIP 0

    1112VAS414 80 FINSP 4

    1112VAS414 90 FWHR 4

    1112VAS415 5 Header 4

    1112VAS415 10 FWHI 4

    1112VAS415 15 FID 4

    1112VAS415 18 FID 0

    1112VAS415 20 VAS 4

    1112VAS415 30 VAS 0

    1112VAS415 40 FID 4

    1112VAS415 50 FINSP 4

    1112VAS415 60 VAS 4

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you.


  • Try this

    WITH CTE1 AS (

    SELECT job, oper_num, wc, move_hrs,


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY job,wc ORDER BY oper_num) AS rnDiff

    FROM #JobSample),

    CTE2 AS (

    SELECT job, oper_num, wc, move_hrs,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY job,wc,rnDiff ORDER BY oper_num) AS rn

    FROM CTE1)

    SELECT job, oper_num, wc,

    CASE WHEN rn=1 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END AS move_hrs


    ORDER BY job,oper_num;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Mark has an ORDER BY, but you need to be sure one is included. Without an ORDER BY, there is no such thing as a consecutive record. The rows have no ordering in SQL Server.

  • Here's a CTE version that should do what you need to see:

    ;with OrderingCTE as (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by [job] order by oper_num) RN,

    * from #JobSample)



    case when currentrow.RN>1 and

    currentrow.wc=nextrow.wc then 0 else 4 end updatedMove_hrs

    from OrderingCTE currentrow

    left join orderingCTE nextrow on currentrow.job=nextrow.job

    and currentrow.RN=nextrow.RN-1

    The presumes that operation number unique identifies the ordering within a given job: you oculd end up with some non-deterministic results if that is NOT true.

    The CTE is there primarily to normalize the ordering to an unbroken sequence of steps so you can link to the next step.

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  • Thank you all for your help. I was able to get what I needed from your answers.


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