don''t want to insert same values 2 times.

  • create proc dbo.usp_CatchAddressException @tableName varchar(500) as

    -- alter proc dbo.usp_CatchAddressException @tableName varchar(500) as


    set nocount on

    declare @sql varchar(700)

    -- truncate table tempException

    set @sql = 'insert hava_dcde.dbo.STREET_EXCEPTION (id_town, id_voter, pre_value, nbr_exception, date_stamp)

    select a.id_town, a.id_voter, substring(a.ad_str1, 1, len(a.ad_str1) - charindex('' '', reverse(a.ad_str1))), ''20'', getdate()

    from HAVA_DCDE.dbo.' + quoteName(@tableName)+ ' a

    where substring(a.ad_str1, 1, len(a.ad_str1) - charindex('' '', reverse(a.ad_str1))+1) not in

    (select nm_street from HAVA_DCDE.dbo.state_streets ss)'

    -- and a.id_town = + @tableName

    -- print(@sql)


    set nocount off



    when i run this SP 2 times, it will insert the values 2 times.

    what should i do if i don't want to insert the same values 2 times?

    I'm confussed, Should i use update? any input will be appreciated.

  • I am assuming that id_town and id_voter are unique. so u need to add "NOT EXISTS" clause to you select statement.

    Here you go:


    set nocount on

    declare @sql varchar(700)

    -- truncate table tempException

    set @sql = 'insert hava_dcde.dbo.STREET_EXCEPTION (id_town, id_voter, pre_value, nbr_exception, date_stamp)

     select a.id_town, a.id_voter, substring(a.ad_str1, 1, len(a.ad_str1) - charindex('' '', reverse(a.ad_str1))), ''20'', getdate()

     from HAVA_DCDE.dbo.' + quoteName(@tableName)+ ' a

     where substring(a.ad_str1, 1, len(a.ad_str1) - charindex('' '', reverse(a.ad_str1))+1) not in

      (select nm_street from HAVA_DCDE.dbo.state_streets ss)

     and not exists (Select 1 from hava_dcde.dbo.STREET_EXCEPTION  DEST where DEST.id_town = a.id_town and DEST.id_voter = a.id_voter)'

    -- and a.id_town = + @tableName

    -- print(@sql)


    set nocount off


    Hope this helps.




  • You could add an index to your table that requires the keys to be unique.  If you then try to insert a duplicate key, the server will refuse to add the record and throw an error you could catch.

  • how can i write the code to catch the error?

    is it somehting like

    if @@error <> 0

    print 'error'

  • yes, each error has a specific number, i don't recall off the top of my head which number is duplicate key violation but we use code that looks like

       if @@rowcount <> 1 or @@error <> 0 begin

          -- handle error here

          return 1

       end -- return error

    you can examine the value of @@error to find out what error number you have

  • i think its 2627

    so it will be like

    if @@error = 2627

    print 'error'

  • 1

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