doubt in sorting

  • Dear steve,

    i am mega from india. i am a beginner to sql server.

    i have an urgent doubt to draw a query.

    i have a table with two fields,

    surveyno - int

    subdivno - varchar(10)


    surveyno subdivno

    1 1

    1 1A

    1 2

    1 2A

    1 2B

    1 3


    1 20

    when i draw query like this

    "select surveyno,subdivno from table order by surveyno,subdivno"

    i get resultset as follows

    1 1A

    1 10

    1 11

    1 12

    1 13


    1 19

    1 2A

    1 2B

    1 3

    and so on

    but i want the resultset as follows

    1 1

    1 1A

    1 2

    1 2A

    1 2B

    1 3

    and so on

    could you pls please reply me as soon as possible

    this is most urgent

    thanks in advance

    my id is



  • Hi Mega,

    Please check out this query...i think it will work

    drop table #temp

    create table #temp


     surveyno  int,

     subdivno  varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO #temp values(1, '1')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(3, '3B')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(2, '2')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(3, '3')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(2, '2B')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(3, '3A')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(2, '2A')

    INSERT INTO #temp values(1, '1A')

    select *, convert(int,convert(varchar(10),left(subdivno,len(subdivno)-1)) + convert(varchar(10),ascii(right(subdivno,1)))) as 'test'

    from #temp

    order by surveyno, test


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